Page 5 - CSC-110-H108
P. 5
er Expectations:
 Electronic devices of all kinds are highly discouraged in the classroom.
 Cell phones are to be turned off for all class sessions.
 Cellphones, calculators, computers, books, and notes are prohibited during examinations and quizzes, unless

 Be sure to push in the keyboard and chair and logoff the computer when leaving the computer lab.
 See the Student Rights and Responsibilities section of the Student Handbook for additional individual


Campus Food and Drink Policy:
The policy on the ILCC Campus is to keep all food and drink out of the labs. If you must bring these items in the
labs, they must be secured inside your bags and backpacks at all times.
In Case You Are Late or Absent:
Attendance is expected and is recorded by the instructor. At the college’s request, three (3) or more consecutive
absences are reported to the college via email. The email messages are sent to the student, campus counselor(s),
appropriate campus staff, and the student’s advisor.
If you are going to be absent, before the class is scheduled to begin, phone or email me at the listed contact
information on this syllabus, and leave a message.
When a student is late or absent, it is the student’s responsibility to get the course notes, handouts, and laboratory
assignments from Canvas and/or classmates. When a student misses class, the student is expected to learn the
material on their own. The student is expected to find a way to get homework submitted to the instructor at the
college by the due date published on the assignment sheet.
The student should check the Canvas website, accessible through the Iowa Lakes Portal, for course materials.
Each student is expected to have backup plans in place in case personal events would prevent them from
attending class. If personal events during the semester prohibit a student from attending class on a regular basis
the student is expected to reconsider their course load. If a student has known schedule conflicts with this class,
take this class on a different day, campus, or semester. Campus counselors are available to help students sort out
Cheating Policy:
The Student Academic Honesty Policy is attached. Each student’s behavior in class will be held to this policy.
All work must be the student’s original work. While students are allowed to help each other, they may not share
their work. Cheating occurs many ways. If the instructor identifies cheating concerns, the instructor will provide
zero scores for each assignment considered as cheating. In addition, the instructor reserves the right to review all
homework submitted for the semester and adjust scores to zero if previous cheating is identified. If desired,
students may make an appointment with the instructor and campus dean/director to discuss zero scores due to
cheating issues.
Check out this website!
Students must abide by all policies as stated in the Iowa Lakes Community College Student Handbook.
Students should be aware that classes might be audio or video recorded by one or more students. The college’s
policies governing the audio or video recording of class are included in the Student Handbook. Students who
have any questions or concerns about class recordings should address their questions or concerns with the
instructor at the beginning of the semester.

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