P. 229

In the books of Jajeev and Sanjeev.
            Dr.                                       Realisation Account                                 Cr.
                     Particulars         Amount  Amount              Particulars         Amount  Amount
                                            (`)       (`)                                   (`)       (`)
             To Sundry Assets  A/c                           By Sundry Liabilities A/c
             Building                      20,000            Creditors                     12,800
             Furniture                      6,000            Bills Payable                  7,200    20,000

             Debtors                       18,400            By Cash A/c
             Stock                         20,000            Stock                         18,400
             Bills Receivable               2,000    66,000 Debtors                        16,600
             To Cash  A/c                                    Bill Receivable                1,980    36,980
             Creditors Bills               12,800            By Sanjeev’s Capital A/c                18,000
             Payable                        7,200    20,000 (Building taken)
             To  Cash A/c                               600 By Rajeev’s Capital A/c                   5,400
             (Realisation                                    (Furniture taken)
             Expensesp Paid)
                                                             By Partners ’Capital A/c
                                                             (Loss on Realisation

                                                             Rajeev                         3,110
                                                             Sanjeev                        3,110     6,220

                                                     86,600                                          86,600

            Dr.                                  Partners’ Capital Account                                                 Cr.
                   Particulars         Rajeev      Sanjeev         Particulars          Rajeev    Sanjeev
                                         (`)         (`)                                  (`)        (`)
             To Realisation A/c           5,400      18,000 By Balance b/d               20,000      24,000
             To Realisation A/c           3,110       3,110 By General Reserve A/c        4,000       4,000
             (Loss on Realisation)
             To Cash  A/c                15,490       6,890

                                         24,000      28,000                              24,000      28,000
            Working Note :
            Dr.                                         Cash Account                                      Cr.
                        Particulars             Amount `                Particulars              Amount `
             To Balance b/d                          6,000   By Realisation A/c                     20,000
             To Realisation A/c                     36,980   By Realisation A/c                        600
                                                             By Rajeev’s Capital A/c                15,490
                                                             By Sanjeev’s Capital A/c                 6,890
                                                    42,980                                          42,980

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