P. 263

Specimen of a bill of exchange :

                                                 BILL OF EXCHANGE

                   STAMP                                                           (Drawer’s Name)

                                                                                   (Drawer’s Address)
                                                                                   (Date of bill drawn)


                   (Amount in figures) .......

                                 after date,  pay Mr. /Ms.
                 (Period of bill)                          (Name and address of payee)
                                            or his / her order, the sum of Rupees

                                                                  only for the value received.
                 (Amount in words)
                                                                                            Sd. /-

                                                                                      (Drawer’s Name )

                 (Drawee’s Name)                    (Accepted)

                 (Drawee’s Address)                 (Drawee’s Name)

                                                    Date of bill accepted

            Types of Acceptance :
            a.   General Acceptance : When the Drawee accepts the draft without any charges or condition,
                  it is called general acceptance. It is also known as unconditional acceptance.
            b.   Qualified Acceptance : When Drawee accepts the bill with certain qualifications, to the order
                 of the Drawer it is called qualified acceptance.

            Following are the types of qualified Acceptance :

            i)   Qualified as to time : When Drawee accepts the bill subject to change in tenure or term of bill
                 it is known as qualified acceptance as to time.
            ii)  Qualified as to Place : When the Drawee mentions that bill will be payable at a particular
                 place only, it is known as qualified acceptance as to place.
            iii)  Qualified as to amount : When the Drawee accepts the bill, for a part of the amount of the bill
                 it is known as qualified as to amount.

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