P. 368

Format for Cash Flow for the year ended

                                                                                   `                `
             I]   Cash Flow from Operating Activities                             xxx
                   Net Profit
                     Adjust Non Cash/Non operating Items
                   + Depreciation                                                 xxx
                   + Interest Paid                                                xxx
                   + Loss on Sale of Asset                                        xxx
                    (-) Interest/Dividend Received                                xxx
                    (-) Profit on sale of Asset                                   xxx
                    Adjust working capital changes
                     Add - Increase in current Liabilities                        xxx
                    Add - Decrease in current Assets                              xxx
                    Less - Increase in current Assets                             xxx

                  Less - Decrease in current Liabilities                          xxx
                    Cash generated from operations                                                 xxx
             II]    Cash Flow from Investing  Activities
                    Add :-   1)   Interest/Dividend received                      xxx
                              2)   Sale of Asset/Investment                       xxx
                     Less :-  1)   Purchase of Fixed Asset/Investment             xxx
                     Net cash from Investing Activities.                                           xxx
             III]   Cash Flow from Financing Activities
                    Add :-   1)   Issue of Shares/Debentures                      xxx
                                 2)   Loan borrowed                               xxx
                    Less :-   1)   Redemption of Share/Debentures                 xxx
                                2)   Loan Repaid                                  xxx
                                3)   Interest/Dividend paid                       xxx              xxx
                    Net Cash from Financing Activities                                             xxx
                     Add :-   Cash of beginning (op Bal. of cash + Bank)                           xxx
                                Cash of end (Cl. Bal of cash + Bank)                               xxx

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