P. 142

Consumer Protection

                  7.1    Introduction

                  7.2    Meaning and Definition
                  7.3    Need and importance of Consumer Protection
                  7.4    Rights of Consumer

                  7.5    Responsibilities of Consumer
                  7.6    Ways and means of Consumer Protection
                  7.7    Consumer Protection Act,2019

                  7.8    Role of Consumer organizations and NGOs
                  Comparative Study / Distinguish Between


                              "A consumer is the most important visitor in our premises. He
                           is not dependent on us.  We are dependent on him. He is not an
                           interruption in our work; he is the purpose of it. He is not an outsider
                           to our business, he is part of it. We are not doing him a favour by
                           serving him, he is doing a favour by giving us on opportunity to do
                                                                                 - Mahatma Gandhi.

              7.1    INTRODUCTION

                  Consumer is the origin of the modern marketing world, consumer is the originator of an
            organization, the success and failure of any business depends on consumers. Consumers are the
            pillars of economic development in any country as the entire economy revolves around them. All
            the production and manufacturing activities are undertaken by business organisations only to give
            maximum satisfaction to the consumer.

                  In today's seller's market consumers have been cheated  and exploited  through price rise,
            artificial scarcity, black marketing, adulteration, and misleading advertising.

                  Every consumer should have adequate knowledge of product and services regarding quality,
            quantity, price, standards etc. to select right product.

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