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10)   Specialization:
                  All departments of the organization are headed by experts in their respective fields. The
                  specialized knowledge of these departmental heads helps in managerial decisions. It leads
                  organization to march towards growth and success in the competitive world of business.

              Management cannot bring together the different elements into one harmonious whole without
              proper coordination among all the members of the group.

              According to Mary Parker Follett, Co-ordination is the '~Plus-value of the group".

            2.2.6 Controlling:
                   Controlling function is required in all types of organizations whether profit making or non-
            profit making. Similarly, it is performed at all levels i.e. top, middle and lower levels of management
            Controlling is indispensable function of management. The effectiveness of planning function can
            be  determined  with  the  function  of  controlling.  Planning  and controlling  are  major  parts  of the
            management cycle.
                   Controlling is a function of comparing the actual performance with the predetermined stand-
            ard performance. It measures deviation, if any, identifies the causes of deviation and suggests cor-
            rective measures. The process of controlling helps in formulation of future plans also.

            Process of controlling :

                   Standards                of performace                    and Finding

                           Antainment of       Corrective                   Analysing causes

                                                                                of deviation


                   Following are some of the important definitions of controlling:

            1)     Koontz and O'Donnell: "Managerial control implies the measurement of accomplishment
            against the standard and the correction of deviations to assure attainment of objectives according to

            2)     Dale Henning: "Control is the process of bringing about conformity of performance with
            planned action."

            3)      Philip Kotler: "Control is the process of taking steps to bring actual results and desired re-
            sults closer together."

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