P. 55

Interest Rate:

            The rate of interest would be lowest applicable rate of the bank for that category (rating category)
            not to exceed (base rate (MCLR) + 3%+ tenor premium).


            Besides primary security, the loan may be secured by collateral security or guarantee of Credit
            Guarantee Fund Scheme for Stand-Up India Loans (CGFSIL) as decided by the banks.

            The loan is repayable in 7 years with a maximum moratorium period of 18 months.

            Working Capital:
            For withdrawal of Working capital upto 10 lakh, the same may be sanctioned by way of overdraft.
            Rupay debit card to be issued for convenience of the borrower. Working capital limit above 10 lakh
            to be sanctioned by way of Cash Credit limit.

            Margin Money:
            The Scheme envisages 25% margin money which can be provided in convergence with eligible
            Central/State schemes.

            3.9.3 Agro Tourism (Rural Tourism): New approach towards Entrepreneurship

                   In an increasingly mechanized world, many people have lost touch with how their food is
            produced or the region where it originated. Agro tourism offers tourists a chance to reconnect with the
            land and provides a "hands on experience" with local foods. Agritourism activities include picking
            fruits, tending bees, milking cows and other educational pursuits.

                   Agritourism focuses on travel that is empowering to local communities, both socially and
            economically. Recognizing the need to diversify their farm products and supplement their agricultural
            incomes, many farmers consider agritourism as a one income option for the long-term sustainability
            of their farms. Agritourism can support agricultural economy when local producers can no longer
            compete economically.

                   " The small landholders are the most precious part of a state"                     Thomas Jefferson
                   "Agritourism is the  idea  of bringing urban residents to rural areas for leisure  travel  and

            Agritourism is "a commercial enterprise at a working farm, ranch, or agricultural plant conducted
            for the enjoyment of visitors that generates supplement income for the owner."

            Agro Tourism in Maharashtra
                   The  State  of Maharashtra is the  pioneer  state  to develop  &  promote  agro tourism  in  the
            country. 'Agritourism' or 'agro tourism', as it is defined most broadly, involves any agriculturally
            based operation or activity that brings visitors to a farm. Agritourism is a form of niche tourism that
            is considered a growth industry in many parts of the world including India, Australia, Canada, the
            United States and the Philippines.

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