Page 7 - VABC Newsletter
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VABC NEWSLETTER                                                                              PAGE 7

                                                                          Program / Event Highlights
                                                                                           “Men’s Day 2019”
                                                                                                  By Renata Miller
          The Men of the historic Vermont Avenue Baptist Church (VABC)        Photos courtesy of the A/V Ministry
          celebrated the 25th Anniversary of Men’s Day.  What a
          momentous occasion!

          The men had several activities throughout the year - annual
          fishing trip, car wash, BBQ, baseball game, and banquet.  To top
          off the celebration, on Men’s Day, Rev. A. Michael Durant
          delivered the message.  His message was entitled, “Three Drops
          of Blood” and the scripture was Leviticus 8:23.  As part of Rev.
          Durante’s inspirational message, he stated, and we should
          always remember, “God has a future for us”.  God will make a
          difference in our lives.

          Rev. Cox announced the formation of the Rev. Cornelius R.
          Wheeler Memorial Club.  The first president will be Rev.
          Wheeler’s youngest brother, Craig R. Wheeler.

          The women of Vermont Avenue will always be supportive of the
          VABC men.  May the men continue to work, give, and guide in
          the name of the Lord.

          Congratulations to the Men of Vermont Avenue Baptist Church!

       Did You Know?

            The ceremony of Advent has changed over the centuries. “Advent” comes from the
            Latin word adventus which means “coming” In the 4  century it was the season of
            preparation for new Christian baptism at the January feast of Epiphany. Christians
            prayed and fasted for 40 days. In the 6  century it was tied to the Second Coming of
            Christ. In the Middle Ages the Advent Season and Birth of Christ were linked.
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