Page 5 - Postal Magazine Final
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U.S. adults read
8.7 per month
diverse communities
read even more:
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and
is more trusted, inspiring, and motivating than other media. Transgender adults read 9.0
print magazines per month.
Magazines are as old as the evolution. Magazines report on
United States itself, boasting a the nation’s concerns and offer
rich relationship with Americans perspectives on the many distinct
that began in the 1700s with the parts and aspects of American society. 9.0 .3%
dawn of the printing press and It’s no wonder that Americans in Hispanic American adults
continues today across all the 21st century—the most diverse read an average of 9.0 print
digital platforms beyond the population the nation has ever seen—
printed page. magazines per month.
look for the branded authoritative
Magazines have been serving content and unique connection
Americans’ interests and putting to their passions that only
“the people” in touch with their magazines provide.
passions for centuries. They fulfill 11.6 2.9%
a crucial role as vital producer
of longform journalism as well UNDER African American adults
as capture critical moments in read an average of 11.6
history with iconic photographs print magazines per month.
and images. As America has 25
continually redefined itself—
decade after decade—growing
geographically and diversifying 9.1 .4%
demographically, magazines
have been there for every shift U.S. adults under 25 read/ Asian American adults
in the cultural tide, and every consume an average of read an average of 9.1
pivotal moment in our country’s eight print issues per month. print magazines per month.
Source: Simmons Research, Multi-Media Engagement Study, Spring 2016; GfK MRI, Fall 2016; Base: U.S. adults 18+ ; GfK MRI, Fall 2016 3