Page 224 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 224


                       Objective Of    e Cash Prize Scheme           The event should be listed on the annual calen-
                                                                     dar of activities of respective International Sports
                          e Cash Prize Scheme aims at providing a fi nan-  Federation  Championships,YouthCommonwealthGa
                       cial reward to those athletes who have obtained a   mes,AfricanChampionshipsandYouth Africa Games).
                       medal at major international sports events. Major   Reward for national coaches is non - cumulative of
                       international sporting events are classifi ed in order   medals obtained by athletes/teams
                       of importance into six groups as follows:
                                                                     In case an athlete or a team has more than one
                       •  Group AOlympic Games & Youth Olympic Games   national coach, the reward will be equally shared
                       •  Group BWorld Championships                 among the national coaches.

                         Group CParalympics Games
                                                                     For the purpose of this scheme, terms used in this
                       •  Group  DCommonwealthGames,“JeuxdelaFranco
                                                                     booklet are defi ned below:
                         phonie”,Commonwealth Championships & Youth
                         Commonwealth Games
                                                                      Ministry of Youth and Sports or Ministry means the
                       •  Group EAll Africa Games, African Championships &
                                                                     Ministry to which responsibility for the subject of
                         Youth African Games
                                                                     sports is assigned.
                       •  Group FIndian Ocean Islands Games

                       •  Group GOther competitions
                                                                     HLSU means the High Level Sports Unit to which re-
                        The scheme also makes provision to reward the
                                                                     sponsibility is assigned to recommend to the Ministry
                       coach of the medalist as well. However, the coach
                                                                     the quantum of assistance to be provided to high
                       is rewarded at a non-cumulative rate of 40% of the
                       amount received by the athlete.
                                                                     High level athlete means an athlete who is perform-
                       Category G includes competitions not listed in cat-
                                                                     ing in international competitions for Mauritius at
                       egories A to F and the following criteria shall be used   level athletes.
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                                                                     regional, continental, inter-continental and world
                       to determine the level of the event (See Table Group
                                                                     Coach means the National Coach designated by the
                       Number of participating countries in the competi-
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                                                                     National Sports Federation to prepare, train and
                       tion (Minimum of 4)
                                                                     advise technically athletes and teams in interna-
                                                                     tional competitions.
                       Number of participants in the event/category
                       (Minimum of 6)
                                                                     National Sports Federation means an association
                       Pre-eminence of the competition (At least 2 years   referred to in section 4 of the Sports Act.
                       on the calendar of respective International Sports   Olympic sports mean sports recognized by the
                       Federation)                                   International Olympic Committee.

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