Page 64 - World Under 18 Championships
P. 64


                          •  Ensured that all equipment were returned to the
                            store.                                   1.  Delayed payment for members of the technical
                                                                        team’s dues and suppliers
                       High Jump                                     2.  A few of the offi  cials who could not make the list
                                                                        or assigned any duty, requested for accreditation
                       High jump competition was split in two groups - A   during the Championships, so that they could
                       and B appointed to man the event.                access the competition venues as AK family. After
                                                                        being accredited some cunningly tried to claim
                       Facility / Equipment                             allowance with their accreditation cards, claiming
                                                                        that they were on duty.
                          e High Jump facility was well located and ade-
                       quately equipped.     e runway was enough for the
                       two groups working simultaneously.     e warm up
                       uprights and cross bars were okay.     e competition
                                                                     1.     e equipment like the clocks should be given to
                       uprights from Mondo were also okay save for one
                                                                        Athletics Kenya (AK) for use in their competitions
                       upright whose winch failed.    e technical offi  cials
                                                                        as it’s the only sport that can use them.
                       managed to replace it before the competition time.
                                                                     2.  Other equipment’s for fi eld events should also
                          e telescopic tape served well.     e landing gear
                                                                        be given to Athletics Kenya for use and in the
                       was to standard and gave athletes humble time.     e
                                                                        nurturing of upcoming youth athletics talent as
                       clock worked well, score board “A” experienced some
                                                                        the equipment is expensive to acquire for AK to
                       delays initially but was rectifi ed.
                                                                        aff ord. It will  also enable Kenya diversify into fi eld
                         Athletes were relayed to the competition site as
                                                                        events from an early age to enable the country
                       programmed.  I never experienced any indiscipline
                                                                        diversify in its medal prospects.
                       case from any athlete throughout the competiti
                            ey went through their warm up sessions as pro-  Conclusion
                     KENYA  YEARBO0K
                       grammed, and all events kicked off  as scheduled.
                       There wasn’t any disputed incident in all the five
                                                                     Following the successful hosting of the World under
                       sessions I offi  ciated.
                                                                     18 Championships, Kenya is encouraged to bid for
                                                                     more international and continental events. Hosting
                      EDITORIAL BOARD
                       Benefi ts
                                                                     will be benefi cial in improving the capacity of techni-
                                                                     cal offi  cials and the country’s sporting infrastructure
                                                                     which will promote sports in the country and even
                       Among the apparent benefit gain by hosting the
                                                                     pave way into the hosting of Continental, World,
                                                                     Commonwealth, All Africa and Olympic Games.
                       •  It provided the best occasion for our athletes to
                          test themselves and shine.                 Ibrahim Hussein
                       •  It was a showcase which we believe attract vital   Director
                          resources for the sports in Kenya.         Technical and Competition Directorate
                       •  In a subtle way, though we cannot prove, it played   W18 Championships Nairobi, 2017
                          a key role in the national and international de-
                          velopment of the sport.
                       •  It created valuable opportunities for the country to
                          attract attention, promote messages and develop

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