Page 13 - Winter Catalog 2021
P. 13
Adult + Child
Start Smart Football
Start Smart Football teaches children ages 3-5 the basic motor skills necessary to play organized flag football while they work one-on-one and spend quality time with their parents. The program focuses on teaching children, and their parents, skills in throwing, catching, kicking/punting, and running/agility without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt. Held once a week for 4 weeks, the exercises become increasingly more difficult as the class progresses and the children show improvement. Each pair will receive one sports kit to use and keep after class.
Little Tykes Floor Hockey
Explore the basic skills of floor hockey (no skates needed!) Your child will be introduced to passing, shooting, learning the proper mechanics of stick handling, and puck control. An adult must actively participate with the child.
Facility Program
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
Little Tykes T-Ball
Start Smart Soccer
Start Smart Soccer is a developmentally appropriate introductory soccer program for children 3-5 years old. The program prepares children for organized soccer in a fun non-threatening environment. Start Smart Soccer prepares children and their parents for organized soccer without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt. Age appropriate soccer equipment from Franklin Sports®and Kwik Goal® is used to teach kicking, dribbling, trapping, throw-ins, and agility. Each pair will receive one sports kit to use and keep after class.
Facility Program
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
Facility Program
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
Age Fee Day
4-7 $50R/$55N Fri
Date Time
Jan 8-Jan 29 6:30p-7:15p
Age Fee Day
3-5 $80R/$90N Fri
Date Time
This class will introduce your child to the game of t-ball while learning the basic rules. Whether they are beginners or need to learn the skills to get to the next level, this class teaches the basic skills of catching, throwing, fielding, and batting. An adult must actively participate with child.
Nov 13-Dec 11
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
Get together for building, coordination activities, and creative movement. Small and large motor skills are emphasized in this exploration class. New songs and activities each session. Class is designed for a toddler’s adventurous attention span. There will be 15 minutes of active circle time using music & props, then 15 minutes of creative art followed by 15 minutes of storytime and language literacy.
Facility Program
3-5 $80R/$90N Fri Start Smart Baseball
Age Fee Day
4-7 $50R/$55N Fri
Date Time
Feb 5-Feb 26 6:30p-7:15p
Toddlers in Action
Age Fee Day
Date Time
Jan 8-Jan 29 5:15p-6p
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (Room 2)
Start Smart Baseball is a developmentally appropriate introductory baseball program for children 3-5 years old. Start Smart Baseball prepares children and their parents for organized baseball and softball without the threat of competition or the fear of getting hurt. Age appropriate equipment from Franklin Sports® and Hasbro® is used to teach throwing, catching, batting, running, and agility. Each pair will receive one sports kit to use and keep after class.
Facility Program
21-1-3007A 21-1-3007B
Age Fee
2-4 $50 2-4 $50
Day Date
9:30a-10:15a 9:30a-10:15a
Thurs Thurs
Jan 7-Jan 28 Feb 4-Feb 25
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
This program is designed to encourage coordination and flexibility in our littlest dancers. Freedom of expression and creativity is encouraged through interactive and upbeat songs. Basic dance and tumbling skills will be introduced. Parents must actively participate with their child. Class will participate in our Dance Showcase.
Facility Program
3-5 $80R/$90N Fri
Little Tykes Flag Football
Learn the basic rules and skills including passing, receiving, running, and kicking with the help of a family adult during this introduction to football. An adult must actively participate with child.
Wiggle Worms
Feb 5-Feb 26 5:15p-6p
Facility Program
21-1-3600A 21-1-3600B
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (Room 6), Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (Gym)
Age Fee Day
Date Time
Age Fee Day Date
9:15a-9:45a 9:15a-9:45a
Kathy Green Multi-Purpose Center (East Gym)
Age Fee Day Date Time
4-7 $50R/$55N Fri Nov 13-Dec 11 6:30p-7:15p
1-2 $80R/$90N Mon 1-2 $80R/$90N Sat
Jan 11-Mar 1 Jan 9-Feb 27
arts & leisure • 13