Page 20 - MACC Guide 2019/2020
P. 20

             The territory now
             known as Madison
               was first called                                             EXPLORE OVER 200
           “Wakefield” until 1810,
           when the (then) town’s                                           WITH THESE FUN
           name was changed to
            “Madison” in honor                                              ABOUT JEFFERSON
           of the President at the
            time, James Madison.

                                                                    MADISON’S FIRST DOCTOR
                          INDIANA’S TALLEST
                                                                       The first doctor on record
                                                                      was Dr. Abraham Friske who
                       Hanover, Indiana is home to
                                                                     practiced medicine in Madison
                      the tallest waterfall in the state
                                                                           from 1810 to 1815.
                           called Fremont Falls.

                            JEFFERSON COUNTY’S FIRST ARTIST
                            Christopher Harrison moved to what is now
                            known as Hanover (likely Hanover College
                             area overlooking the river) with his dog in
                             1808 where he lived a hermit lifestyle for 5
                          years. During this time, Harrison created many
                                      paintings and sketches.

                                                                                     THE POINT
                                                                               Located on the campus of
                                                                              Hanover College is the only
                                                                               place along the Ohio River
                                                                             where 3 bends in the river can
                                                                                be seen in one location.
       1811    1824   1827   1837   1841
                                                   1861-1865     1878
       Je erson      Hanover                                             1884        1901    1910    1920
       County        College   Madison
      established                          Eleutherian                                                                        1929       1941
                     founded  Railroad                                   Broadway            Madison                                                1958    1971
                           history begins   College                      Fountain          State Hospital                                                           1973      1988      2000     2001
               City of            Fair Play No. 1 founded  J.F.D. Lanier   originally presented  opened  Clifty Falls                                                                                  2009    2014    2017    2020
               Madison             Firestation      nances Indiana’s                                 State Park
                                                                                                                             Lanier Home
             incorporated           opened          Civil War e ort  Schroeder    Chautauqua Art    established            State Historic Site       Some          National
                                                                                  Festival started
                                                                                                                                                  Came Running
                                                             Saddle Tree Factory                                                         Je erson   lms in Madison  Register of  Visitor’s Bureau
                                                                 opened                                                               Proving Ground              Historic Places  established  Big Oaks National  Madison  Stellar Community
                                                                                                                                       ammunitions                 designated                         celebrates       achieved
            FOR MORE INFORMATION AND HISTORY                                                                                             testing          Miss Madison                Wildlife Refuge  Bicentennial
            ABOUT MADISON & JEFFERSON COUNTY VISIT:                                                                                                      hydroplane wins                designated National Historic  Milton-Madison  Chamber leads
            THE JEFFERSON COUNTY HISTORY CENTER AT 615 W FIRST STREET                                                                                      Gold Cup                           Landmark District  Bridge   business pandemic
            THE JEFFERSON COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY AT 420 W MAIN STREET                                                                                                                          created in 2001  slides into place
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