Page 4 - May 2019
P. 4

Cover Story

         The Challenges of Fifth-

         Generation Transformation

         Wing Commander André Adamson, UK Royal Air Force
         Colonel Matthew Snyder, US Air Force

        Introduction                        that the networked force is capable of   a hard-nosed evaluation and decision
                                            working effectively with them.      will need to be made on where they
        Plan  Jericho,  published  in  2015,   The Australian plan has given many   want to be as an air force in the next
        outlined  a  strategy  that  would   air  forces  pause  for  thought.  That   10–15  years. The  choice  is  tactical,
        transform  the  Royal Australian Air   an  air  force  comprising  fewer  than   strategic and political.
        Force (RAAF) into a fifth-generation   15,000 regular personnel is seeking to   This article analyses some of the
        air force by 2025 which, if delivered   transition to an entirely fifth-generation   stakes involved as the introduction of
        on schedule, would make it the world’s                                  the F-35 increasingly acts as a driver
        first. The transformation is not based   air force within the next decade to meet   for fifth-generation transformation. It will
        on merely the possession of the next   its  strategic  and  security  objectives   also consider some of the implications
        generation  of  aircraft  technology   demonstrates an undertaking to conduct   for  air  forces  that  have  committed
        including the F-35A, P-8 Poseidon,   future air operations in a conceptually   to  fifth-generation  programmes  and,
        EA-18G Growler and E-7A Wedgetail,   different  way. The  commitment  to  a   perhaps  more  significantly,  for  those
        but on a reconceptualization of the   similar transformation among other F-35   that have not.
        RAAF  as  an  integrated,  networked   partners is firmly underway – both the
        force. Significantly, this new operating   US Air Force and the UK Royal Air Force
                                            (RAF)  have  pledged  to  transition  to  The Partners and Why
        concept is based on working in a highly
        collaborative manner with the army,   fifth-generation air forces.  In contrast,   They Joined the F-35
        navy, industry and allies – especially   for air forces that are not committed to   Programme
        partners in the F-35 programme – in   a  fifth-generation  programme,  or  the
        order to achieve the full potential of   transformational concepts that underpin   Nine countries originally signed up as
        the new technologies, and to ensure   it, the time is rapidly approaching where   partners to the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF)

                                               5th Generation transformation is not based merely on possession of next generation
                                                  aircraft technology which includes the E-7A Wedgetail. Photo SGT Shane Gidall.

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