Page 59 - May 2019
P. 59
Computer-based trial designed to assist
veterans leaving military
Computer-based tasks will form the basis Counselling, whether that condition is Benefits of employing
of a trial program to assist Australian service related or not.
Defence Force (ADF) personnel as About 5,500 people leave the ADF veterans
they transition from military to civilian each year with most transitioning well, Members of the ADF gain an extensive
life, Minister for Veterans’ Affairs Darren but for some there may be additional range of skills, abilities, recognised
Chester said April 2nd. support needed. Our Government is behaviours and attributes that make
“The Stepping Out: Attention Reset committed to improving the transition them valuable employees in the civilian
(SOAR) trial is designed to test whether services and programs ADF members workforce. They are good at solving
a brief attention training computer task and their families need, when and problems, leading teams, and working
improves adjustment to civilian life and where they need it. under pressure. They retain core
may reduce the risk for mental health “Military training teaches you to pay ADF values such as honesty, honour,
disorders,” Mr Chester said. close attention to your environment initiative, integrity, respect and loyalty.
“Open Arms—Veterans & Families and the things that could be a potential These attributes make them valuable
Counselling (formerly VVCS) and threat – in many military settings this employees in the civilian workforce.
Phoenix Australia are partnering with training is life-saving. Once you leave
representatives from Tel Aviv University the military, if your attention is not Their talents are readily transferable
to conduct the research nationally. re-balanced to suit a civilian setting, to the civilian workforce and include:
“Any current full-time ADF members adjustment issues or mental health • learning new skills quickly
who are transitioning from service in problems may develop. • being highly motivated and punctual
the next 12 months can participate in “The findings from the study will play • communicating effectively to keep
the trial. an important role in the Government’s people informed
“Our Government is putting veterans action on improving veterans’ mental • completing tasks efficiently and on
and their families first and provides health and is just one of the many time
more than $11.2 billion each year to programs the Government is using • working independently and as part
deliver the essential services and to ensure veterans and their families of a team
programs they rely on. If you have receive the best possible support.” • demonstrating leadership but also
served one full day in the Australian To sign up to take part in the trial, being able to follow instructions
Defence Force you and your family can visit the SOAR trial website www.soar. • being well presented and courteous
access free mental health care, through, t: 1800 945 • working with a variety of people
Open Arms – Veterans & Families 089 or from different backgrounds and with
varying levels of experience
Many former ADF members will
have acquired professional or trade
qualifications that are recognised in
the civilian workforce, for example
mechanics, health professionals,
carpenters and drivers.
Sign the Veterans Employment
If you’d like to benefit from the skills
and experience veterans can bring to
your workplace, then you should sign
the Veterans Employment Commitment.
When you sign the Commitment,
veterans will be able to identify your
business as a veteran-friendly employer.