Page 101 - -DHN Carrousels Sister 2 Sister 2022 (3) (1)_Classical
P. 101
Carrousels of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
I” L. C
And the dust returns to the earth as it was, and the spirit returns to God who gave it.
Ecclesiastes 12:7
To the family and friends of Carrousel Althea “Terri”
Cousins, and to all those who fell under the umbrella of
her love. We are here as a Carrousel collective spirit to
celebrate her life, her labor and her legacy.
There was something inordinately special about
Carrousel Terri. She was regal in manner, elegant in
simplicity and kind beyond words. Maybe it was the way
she quietly and with exacting purpose engaged us. Or
maybe it was how her grayish-blue eyes sparkled making
a well-crafted response. It could have been her ability to
smile and be gracious, even in sorrow, when we gathered surpasses all understanding to
after her beloved husband, Dr. Carl died. Maybe it was fall fresh and gently on us. We
her devotion to God or her overwhelming pride in family, ask for God’s grace to enfold and
especially daughters Karen and Kimberly. There was for God’s power to sustain. We
something truly special about Carrousel Terri. And she thank the Creator of all things
will be missed. that Carrousel Terri passed our
way. Though her death leaves
But we do not weep because we know Carrousel Terri us with an undefined ache, we
now rests in perfected peace. As James Weldon Johnson praise the One who came to
wrote, “Weep not, weep not. She is not dead; she's resting save that Carrousel Terri has
in the bosom of Jesus…She has only just gone home.” returned home and now sits
And while there will be an empty chair at the Carrousel with the ancestors and the
table of friendship and fidelity, we also know Carrousel sturdy Black bridges who made
Terri made a tangible difference as a Philadelphia us who we are. Yes, there was
educator, counselor, life companion to Dr. Carl and a special something about
trusted friend. Her faith and fortitude, the legacy and Carrousel Terri.
physical footprint Carrousel Terri left, can be seen in the So rest well dear sister, you’ve
Philadelphia thousands of young people she impacted throughout been raised on eagles’ wings.
the years and with whom she journeyed.
You fought the good fight, you
There was something special about Carrousel Terri. finished your course, and now
For all who grieve on this day, we pray for peace that you will wear a crown.
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