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Carrousels of Sacramento, California

            Carrousel Milestones  and

                                                                            Shout Outs!

                                                                In February 2022,
                                                                Carrousel Tamara DeVan-Gordon
                                                                was promoted to Manager of
 of  2021                                                       Marketing Operations at Harrah’s
                                                                Northern CA, Ione Casino. Tamara
                                                                loves her gig but the real fun was
                                                                a photo shoot she did for Harrah’s
                                                                which can currently be seen on sev-
                                                                eral billboards and magazine
                                                                advertisements in the Sacramento
                                                                and Central Valley area.

 Serena Welch
 After graduating two years
 ago from USC with her
 Master’s degree, Carrousel
 Robbin Senegal-Welch’s
 daughter, Carradaughter                                                                  One of our newest members,
 Serena Welch began her                                                         Carrousel Lakenya Jordan was recently
 career at Kaiser Permanente   Artavia Taylor Jr.                               appointed Deputy Secretary of State for
 Woodland Hills hospital. Last                                                          Secretary of State Shirley Weber.
 year the Southern California   Congratulations to Carrakid   Eryn Watkins
                                                                                    In her capacity as Deputy Secretary,
 region chose to establish   Artavia Taylor Jr., daughter of   she leads Policy and Planning for the Secretary of State and the
 neurosurgery at Woodland   Carrousel Artavia and   Carradaughter Eryn Watkins   implementation of the Voters Choice Act for the State of California.
 Hills hospital. Serena   Carrafella Matthew Taylor.   graduated from Long Beach
 was selected to head the   After her study abroad   State University with a B.A.
 department, hire staff and set   program abruptly ended   in Consumer Affairs, class of
 the department’s direction.   due to the pandemic and   2021 despite the disruption of
 A month later Serena also   adapting to virtual and   COVID and having to switch
 became the department   hybrid learning, Artavia Jr.   to on-line classes. After gradu-
 administrator for neurology,   completed her degree in   ation, Eryn decided to embark
 placing two departments   Fashion from the Gallatin   upon a business venture with
 under her direction. Twenty   School at New York   her mom and somewhat
 something Serena is the   University. #classof2021  silent partner, Carrousel   Congratulations!
 youngest Department   Tamara DeVan-Gordon.
 Administrator over a Kaiser   Eryn hosts a beautiful Airbnb
 Permanente surgical   in  their family home in   Congratulations to Carrousel Paula Willhite
 department in the Southern   Inglewood, CA. All Carrousels   for the birth of her latest grandbaby
 California region.   are welcome to visit.
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