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In 1984, Tina Turner serenaded the world with the hit
To My Carrousel Sisters,
song “What’s Love Got to Do with It?” Hitting #1 on the
I must tell you how fortunate we are to have charts, she declared, “What’s love but a second hand
wonderful, loyal and faithful friends. I have emotion?” and asked, “Who needs a heart when a
met so many beautiful Carrousels from across heart can be broken?”
America who fit this description. I take this
opportunity to thank you for the many 91st How very fortunate we are to be members of a
birthday greetings I received from Carrousels beloved organization, where for 65 years we’ve
all around the country. What a blessing! continuously demonstrated the answer: LOVE has
Birthday (February 1st) cards were still coming everything to do with it!
in March (smiles).
My Dearest Carrousel Sisters,
I wanted to give a special thank you to our
beautiful National President and her wonderful For the past three years, we have definitely gone up
cabinet. They have seen us through the most and down, round and round on our “Carrousel of
trying times that I can ever remember. This Life.” We’ve shared highs and lows, joys and sorrows,
pandemic has set us all back, but thanks to an abundance of challenges, and the greatest
President Staci and cabinet members for filling disappointment in the history of our organization:
the gap and seeing us through these times. not being able to gather in-person, share our
love, extend our annual hugs, and celebrate our
We’ll look forward to meeting again in person sisterhood.
someday. Until that time comes, try hard to Although extremely difficult, LOVE guided us every step of the way. LOVE understood the challenges
remember one of our Carrousel sayings, and helped us navigate through unchartered territory. LOVE oversaw our disagreements and allowed
“Happy Carrouseling,” until we meet again.
us to move forward in the best interest of the organization. LOVE soothed the pain. LOVE erased the
Love to all, mistakes and canceled the errors. LOVE forgave! LOVE was the glue that kept us bonded.
Glenna L. Watson I am extremely grateful for the opportunity afforded me to serve as your 29th National President. The
encouragement, inspiration, kudos and well wishes I received from our great sisterhood have carried
Carrousel Glenna L. Watson me through. Your LOVE has been the wind beneath my wings!
Thank you for being dynamic women who LOVE and SUPPORT one another!
With all my heart I proclaim, “I LOVE CARROUSELS, INCORPORATED!”
Staci G. Oliver
Carrousel Staci G. Oliver
29th National President
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