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Pesantren (Islamic   kyais were prominent actors in   of Javanese texts that were increasingly   1998: 15). Three Javanese texts were   Therefore, like in the Malay world,
 Boarding School)   resurrections against colonial power.  Islamized like the mystical genre of suluk   written under her directive: Carita   the text attempts to position Islam at
 Lirboyo in Kediri) as a   (Florida 1995: 14-5; Soebardi 1971).  Iskandar (1729), Carita Yusuf (1730), and   the heart of Javanese royal politics.
 center of Islamic leaning.  Particular Cases of Boarding   the Kitab Usulbiyah. In these “sacred   However, it should be emphasized that
 Schools in Java  This development was particularly   books”, Islam is the main foundation of   Islam as presented in these texts was
 Source: Directorate of   obvious during the reign of Pakubuwono
 History and Cultural   Pesantrens in Java deserve particular   II (1726-49) when the translation process   Javanese cultural formula. Not only the   clearly Javanese in nature. We may also
 Values, Ministry of   attention in this study, especially their   of Islam into Javanese culture gained   relationship with Ratu Kidul, the native   point to another Javanese text written
 Education and Culture   relations with the Mataram kingdom.   momentum. As explained by Ricklefs   goddess and supernatural wife and   under Ratu Pakubuwono’s direction,
 of the Republic of   Pesantrens in Central and East Java   (1998), Islam and pre-Islamic Javanese   protector of the Javanese kings, began   Suluk Garwa Kencana (1730). Like the
 Indonesia, 2013.  were part of the Javanese political   literature were both very influential. In   to disappear from these texts, the works   Malay Taj us-Salatin and al-Mawahib, the
 culture of Mataram, where regulating   line with the Javanese belief system,   also showed a strong desire to turn Islam   suluk strongly emphasizes that the notion
          into the main source of inspiration as well
                                                 of an ideal king should be formulated in
 religious matters was an important   Islam gave meaning to the real politics of   as the cultural paradigm of the Javanese   relation with Sufi teachings as defined
 aspect.  the Javanese ruling elites. Partly driven   kingdom (Ricklefs 1998: 90).  by the Sufi concept of the “perfect man”
 Sultan Agung’s anti-coastal policies   by the ascent of the young Pakubuwono   The non-Javanese contents of various   (insan kamil) (Ricklefs 1998: 122-3).
 should not be understood as being   to the throne in April 1726, when he was   stories in the texts, such as countries   At the same time it also underlines the
 “anti-Islamic”. At the end of his reign,   only 16 years old, cultural efforts to make   in the Middle East, were adapted to   importance of the sharia in the royal
 Sultan Agung was increasingly involved   him recognized politically had become   a Javanese atmosphere so that the   political practice. Included into the series
 in strengthening the study of Islamic   very important. As a result, in addition to   texts could teach the Javanese rulers   of works by Ratu Pakubuwono is the
 teachings in his kingdom. In 1633 he   acknowledging the presence of the VOC   about Islam-based ethical behavior.   renowned Serat Cabolek, in which the
 paid a visit to Tembayat, to the tomb   in Batavia, the Javanese-based ideology   Some examples from the Usulbiyah   king is considered responsible not only
 of Sunan Bayat, one of the saints in   for the newly appointed king began to be   will be presented here. The text tells of   in politics, but also in the field of religion.
 Java. At that time he also changed the   formulated.  the Prophet’s migration from Mecca to   Most importantly, the king is presented
 Javanese calendar from the solar system   The role of Ratu Pakubuwono, the king’s   Medina, which is presented in a way   in the text as the defender of the faith,
 of the Hindu-Saka year to a mixed   grandmother, in the cultural affairs of the   very similar to the realities in a Javanese   whose job, along with that of the clergy,
 system of the lunar Islamic-Javanese   royal palace cannot be underestimated.   palace. In addition to describing Medina   is to keep the world from danger and to
 calendar (Anno Javanico) (Ricklefs 2001:   Under her direction, Javanese texts   as a commercial city, as it is, the text   instate the sharia (Soebardi 1975: 41-2).
 53-5; 1997: 237- 52). His successors   were written to provide the king with a   also says that Medina “is a wilderness   In addition to what has already been
 intensified the Islamization of Javanese   new ideology and she used the glory of   inhabited by wild animals and poisonous   mentioned, the important role of Islam in
 culture and Mataram witnessed the   Sultan Agung and Javanese culture but   snakes”, which reminds us of the Babad   Javanese culture is also manifest in the
 translation process of Islam into the   particularly Islam as her main sources.   Kraton when it describes the founding   relationships patterns between the king
 core of Javanese culture, as can be   She “endeavored to turn her grandson   of the Kartasura kingdom in 1680 in the   and pesantren, the domain of religious
 seen in the increase in the production   into a pious Muslim monarch” (Ricklefs   forest of Wanakerta (Ricklefs 1998: 78-9).  scholars. In this case, the king pioneered

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