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his works, Hamzah barely mentions   notions of both Sufis to be perverted and   After listening to the arguments the   aural communication with a number of
 al-Burhanpuri’s al-Tuhfah al-Mursalah,   need to be combated. 42  adherents to absolute monism put   witnesses who had been present during
 which may be taken as an indication   At the time, al-Raniri himself had not long   forward, al-Raniri did not hesitate to   the execution of the wujudiyyahfollowers:
 for the correctness of the theory that   before arrived in Aceh coming from India   declare them false and heretics and they   they had been thrown into the fire and
 Hamzah had already passed away in   and he was instantaneously trusted by   were accused of having deviated from   were thus burned alive. 45
 1527, sixty-three years before al-Tuhfah   the basic principles of Islamic Shari’a. Al-
 all-Mursalah was written.  Sultan Iskandar Thani, whom al-Raniri   Raniri issued his fatwa against them,  In fact, al-Raniri himself illustrated what
 called Sultan Shah Marhum Darussalam            had taken place in his Fath al-Mubin:
 Al Raniri’s “hostile attitude” roward the   who appointed him as Shaykh al-Islam,   “...whoever takes argument and
 teaching and the following of Hamzah   or the court’s supreme religious scholar.   evidence by rendering to the basic   “…and again they said, al-‘alam huwa
 Fansuri was supported by Sultan Iskandar   In one of his works, Fath al-Mubin,   meaning of the unclear verses, the   Allah, Huwa al-‘alam, ‘the universe
 Thani (1637-1641) . As a consequence,   al-Raniri related the story of his early   prophetic tradition on divine attributes,   is God, and He is the universe’. After
 Hamzah Fansuri’s followers had to suffer   arrival in Aceh where he had to face the   and the Sufi ecstatic utterances,   this, the king ordered to present them
 bitterly. They were persecuted and forced   problem of the monistic notions:  he or she had become heterodox   to repent from their heretical beliefs.
 to abandon their beliefs in the wujudiyyah   unbeliever.” 44  After several times of deterrence,
 doctrine; if not, they would be condemmed   “...Shahdan, when I arrived in Aceh   as they keptrefusing to repent;
 to death. In 1637, Hamzah Fansuri’s   under the reign of Sultan Shah   As became of al-Raniri’s dissident fatwa   hence they would be surprised by
 works were collected and burned in   Marhum Darussalam, there were   on kafir (infidelity) which Sultan Iskandar   king’s order.The kinginstructed to
 front of the great Baiturrahman mosque   people who adhered to absolute   Thani fully supported, the notions and   kill themalland he also commanded
 in Banda Aceh because they were the   monism (wahdat al-mutlaq), the   the adherents to the existential monistic   to collect all the works composed
 sources of the theological deviation from   heretical existential one, which was   doctrines suffered a tragic fate as their   by their master in the middle of the
 the Muslim faith.  It is for this reason   also heterodox. Then, the King   works were burned and its followers were   field before a mosque called Bayt
 that in the history of socio-religious   ordered to bring together all the   slaughtered.   al-Rahman. Then, the king ordered to
 developments in Aceh, the year 1637 is   experts on religion to scrutinize   Beside local sources like the Bustan   torch them all.” 46
 often seen as a dark period for Hamzah   whose[thinking] wasright, and whose   al-Salatin, a travel journal written by
 Fansuri and Shamsuddin al-Sumatra’i’s   was wrong; thence they discussed   Peter Mundy illustrates what took place   Fath al-Mubin and Tibyan fi
 followers, along with the power change   with us several times in [King]   during thissocio-religioustragic event.   Ma’rifat al-Adyan: Judgment of
 from Sultan Iskandar Muda to Sultan   Marhum’s presence...”  Mundy was a British traveler who visited   Mystic-Philosophical Thought
 Iskandar Thani, who granted al-Raniri the   42.  See Oman Fathurrahman, Tanbih al-Mashi:   Aceh in 1638 and thus he arrived only   In a dialogue between al-Raniri and
 religious authorization to denounce the   Menyoal Wahdatul Wujud, Jakarta: Mizan in   several months after the penalization   Iskandar Thani on one side and the
 cooperation with the EFEO, 1999.
 41.  See Azra, Jaringan Ulama…, p. 182; Simuh,   43.  Nuruddin al-Raniri, Fath al-Mubin ‘ala al-  of the wujudiyyahhad taken place. It   followers of the wujudiyyah, on the other
 Tasawuf dan Perkembangannya dalam Islam,   Mulhidin, manuscript no. 179/TS/4/YPAH/2005   seems that Mundy based his report on
 (Jakarta: Raja Grafindo Persada, 1996), pp.   from the collection of Yayasan Ali Hasjmy   45.  Peter Mundy, The Travel of Peter Mundy vol. III
 53-54; C. Snouck Hurgronje, Aceh, Rakyat dan   Aceh, folio 2. About this collection see Oman   Naskah…, especially pp. 146-7.  part 2 (London: no publisher, 1999), p. 330.
 AdatIstiadatnya II (Jakarta: INIS, 1997), p. 12.  Fathurrahman and Munawwar Holil, Katalog   44.  Nuruddin al-Raniri, Fath al-Mubin…, p. 3.  46.  Nuruddin al-Raniri, Fath al-Mubin…, p. 3-4.

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