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uncovering of the nature of the essence   by the reigning king, as the judge who              who resided in Demak. He was accused   result they were sentenced to death by
                                          (alam hakikat) for what was known to    pronounces Haji Ahmad Mutamakin’s                     of being an infidel and murdered       being drowned in the sea.
                                          him as mukashafa, the catur warna (four   mystical notions as perversely heterodox            because his notions were seen as       In short, the history and the dynamics
                                          colors: black, red, yellow, and white),   and contravening the Shari’a.  The Serat            misleading the Islamic Shari’a. The    of mystical thinking of the archipelago
                                          an eight-colored flare, and an ivory doll.   Cabolek differs clearly from stories of all      story of Sunan Panggung is also told   produced literary works that enriched
                                          Then, Dewa Ruci explained the things    the other cases of religious out casts, as            in the Serat Kanda, which explicates   the Muslim intellectual tradition. The
                                          Werkudara witnessed as being the notions   Shaykh Siti Jenar, Sunan Panggung, Ki              that he had deeply fallen in love with   following parts will specifically deal
                                          of the knowledge of profound reality    Bebeluk, and Shaykh Among Raga, as                    God. Sunan Panggung essentially saw
                                          (ilmu hakikat), including the ontological   they allended with their executions.              nothing around but God. Besides, it is   with the history and the development of
                                          connection between God and man. 56                                                            also told that he used to take his two   Islamic thinking in the field of hadith.
                                                                                  Shaykh Siti Jenar was put on trial by                 dogs -named “iman” and “tawhid”- with
                                          In the Book of Cabolek, Haji Ahmad      the Wali Songo, as he was accused of                  him when he went to the mosque. It was   Thoughts of the Indonesian
                                          Mutamakin’s mystical notions were       disseminating the heterodox notions                   presumably because of his heretical    Ulama in the Field of Hadith
                                          accused of being perversely heterodox   of existential monism. For Shaykh Siti                mystical notions and his perceived     We have seen above that Aceh bequeat
                                          but it did not end in the death penalty   Jenar, who, according to Javanese                   insulting behavior that the orthodox   hed the first round of intellectual works in
                                          although Ketib Anom Kudus had certainly   tradition lived during the reign of the Giri        ‘ulama accused him of rescinding the   the fields of Sufism, Qur’anic commentary,
                                          proposed capital punishment to the King   Sultanate, there is no reality in this world        Shari’a which would certainly endanger   and Islamic law. Hadith was not among
                                          of Kartasura, Paku Buwana II. In this   other than God. Thus, it is narrated that             religious life among Muslim society.   the pioneering works because of the
                                          case, the king granted amnesty under    when one of the Wali Songo, viz. Sunan                The tales of religious outcast against   restricted availability of primary sources
                                          the clear stipulations that Haji Ahmad   Giri asked him why he did not attend                 Shaykh Siti Jenar and Sunan Panggung   and thus it was almost forgotten. Very
                                          Mutamakin was no longer permitted       Friday prayers, Shaykh Siti Jenar replied             might also belong to similar motives.   few experts on Indonesian Islam paid
                                          to spread his mystical notions to any   that there was essentially no Friday,                 The only difference between the two    special attention to the study of Hadith
                                          Muslim layman. It seems that, because   essentially no mosque, and nothing else               is that Shaykh Siti Jenar’s life ended   in Indonesia, nor did they trace how far
                                          he was a royal poet, the author of      but the existence of God the Real. In                 because he was be headed, where as
                                          Serat Cabolek, Yasadipura I, wanted to   Islamic tradition, Shaykh Siti Jenar is the          Sunan Panggung was thrown into the     back the tradition of writing books on
                                          underscore the king’s benevolence in    “Javanese al-Hallaj”. The Wali Songo,                 fire together with his two dogs.       Hadith developed in the archipelago.
                                                                                                                                                                               Nevertheless, most Muslims believe that
                                          granting amnesty to a convicted person.   representing the orthodox ‘ulama,
                                          The Serat Cabolek clearly also points to   sentenced him to death because of his              Other tales of religious out casts in   the Hadith is the second most important
                                          the superiority of the orthodox Islamic   mystical tenets.                                    Java concern those of Ki Bebeluk in    source after the Qur’an. Therefore, within
                                          notions by presenting Ketib Anom        A similar religious outcast was Sunan                 the Sultanate of Pajang and Shaykh     the general tradition of Islamic studies,
                                          Kudus, as the hero and, fully supported   Panggung. The Serat Cabolek narrates                Among Raga in the Mataram Kingdom.     books on hadith arranged them in various
                                                                                                                                                                               groups depending on the reliability of the
                                                                                                                                        Both were accused of embracing and
                                          56.  Hamid Nasuhi, Serat Dewaruci: Tasawuf Jawa   that Sunan Panggung was an aristocrat
                                          Yasadipura I (Jakarta: Ushul Press, 2009), pp.                                                disseminating mystical notions that    narratives such as the Sahih byal-Bukhari
                                          180-181.                                57. Soebardi, The Book of Cabolek…, p. 41.            digressed from the Shari’a and as a    (d. 870), the Sahih by Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj

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