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originally opposed, is now beginning to   observations, this condition started to             entire field, while there is also a stage   is similar to other rituals held by other
                                          be appreciated. Sufism has long suffered   change in the 1980s. According to Julia            within the fully carpeted tents. On a   Muslim communities in Jakarta and
                                          from marginalization the emerging       D. Howell, the tendency to change had                 certain Sunday, whenthe offices are    other major cities in Indonesia. Some
                                          modernist orientation which assumed     already begun in the 1970s (Howell,                   vacant, the annual commemoration is    television shows often broadcast similar
                                          Sufism was not original Islamic teaching.   2008: 375). Muslim scholars started               performed. The followers of Qadiriyah   rituals conducted by organized groups,
                                          Modernists among the inhabitants of     to view Sufism and mystical orders in                 wa Naqsyabandiyah mystical order from   such as the Majlis Adz-Dzikra led by
                                          urban areas strongly objected to the    general as an alternate way and as                    various regions in Indonesia, dressed   Ustadz M. Arifin Ilham, Ustadz Abdullah
                                          practice of Sufism in the form of a long   amodern style of worship, which is said            in white uniforms, congregate together   Gymnastiar, and also Ustadz Haji
                                          series of repetitive recitations (wird)   to had ‘dried’ spiritually and had become           with the mursyid and the ‘ulama of the   Haryono. The invocation ritual performed
                                          following certain pronouncements and    disconnected from the Muslim’s deepest                order to performinvocations (dhikr)    by the latter is usually coupled with a
                                          their unique invocation techniques      innermost self. The invocations of the                and to make supplications (doa), being   healing ritual. People suffering from
                                          (dhikr). One aspect of Sufism that      mystical orders lead to a deep spiritual              face to face with each other (tawajjuh),   various illnesses, who usually have
                                          has become the modernists’ easiest      experience capable of fulfilling their                converse intimately (munajat), drawing   already visited a medical doctor but to no
                                          target is bai’at (allegiance), which is   yearning to become closer to God. The               closer to God and entreating forgiveness   avail, assemble to recite the invocations
                                          the unreserved oath of allegiance to a   modernists’ appreciation of mystical                 to gain salvation in this world and in   and prayers led by Ustadz Haji Haryono.
                                          Sufi teacher and obediently to carry out   orders and Sufism in general has                   the hereafter. This is an annual event   In addition to his life in Bekasi where
                                          certain recitations. They are also against   increased substantially. Many mystical           in addition to the weekly rituals held by   he treats patients with his assistants
                                          the excessive respect Sufis have for their   congregation semerged in urban regions,          members who reside in Jakarta and      with the invocation method, Ustadz Haji
                                          teachers, either a mursyid (leader of a   where intellectuals, executives, and                surroundings and are usually held every   Haryonois also the leader of a pesantren
                                          Sufi order) or the founder of certain Sufi   bureaucrats join these groups.                   Saturday, rotating between various     in East Java.
                                          mystical order (tarekat), and sheikhs,   People who used to be critical of                    places like mosques or members’        K.H. Abdullah Gymnastiar founded and
                                          to and the tradition of the heretation of   Sufism gradually appreciated these                houses. The Mosque of LIPI is one of the   for a long time led Pesantren Darut
                                          fatihah that was mediated by a sheikh   religious practices and some even                     places used for this weekly congregation.   Tauhid, a pesantren which is identical to
                                          (tawasul)to the founder of the tarekat   joined a mystical brotherhood. In the                This kind of tawajjuh is not only attended   spiritual training activities. Broadcasted
                                          who had been passed away. . According   last fifteen years, in the courtyard of the           by ordinary Muslims but also by        by a radio station on the campus of
                                          to the reformists, these practices are   LIPI building on Jalan Gatot Subroto                 prominent society figures, bureaucrats,   Pesantren Darut Tauhid in Bandung his
                                          not rooted in the Qur’an or the hadith,   in Jakarta, every year a grand ritual is            ministers, intellectuals, scientists,   preaching attracted tens of thousands
                                          heretical, and invalid innovations. This   held. It is an annual commemoration                merchants, employees, entrepreneurs,   of people. Aa Gym (as Abdullah
                                          stereotyping had social implications,   (haul), organized by the Qadiriyah                    and so on. Thus, the membership of the   Gymnastiar was popularly called) also
                                          in which the modernists considered      wa Naqsyabandiyah mystical order.                     mystical congregations spans a wide    delivered his spiritually enlightening
                                          themselves puritan and pristine Muslims,   In  the month of Sha’ban, the field                range of social classes.               counsels in a heartrending way and by
                                          where as the followers of Sufi orders   usually uses for the ceremony is                      A grand invocation ritualas the one    using of simple and touching language.
                                          as heterodox. According to some         covered with giant tents that cover the               held in the courtyard of the LIPI office   Because of his popular style of spiritual

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