Page 44 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 44

DAY 11

             Today you are closer to the end of your fast than you are the beginning.  In other words,
             you have more distance behind you than you do in front of you!  Hallelujah!!!!
             Stay the course!  If you made some mistakes, DON’T QUIT!  The victory is yours
             for the having.  You are engaging in a great spiritual discipline, which confirms your
             dependence on God as our source.  The Lord sees your sacrifice and meets you at the
             point of your need and desire to know more of Him.

             In addition to being a day of transition to victory, for those on the soup or straight liquid
             fast, it is also the day you really feel the full gravity of going with few or no caloric intake,
             especially those of you on one of the more restrictive fasts.

             I am determined to stay the course! Today, I am reminded that God is a rewarder of
             them that diligently seek Him! I am emboldened in faith that my body, mind and soul are
             being renewed. I continue with the assurance that God going before me in my 2020 and
             making every crooked place straight, filling low valleys and bringing down mountains!
             (Luke 3:5).
             DON’T FORGET:
             1.  Be sure to get the extra sleep and rest you need.  It will help a lot.
             2.  I can’t over emphasize it, DRINK PLENTY OF WATER!  It will make a dramatic
                difference in how you feel.
             3.  Lastly, do your enemas every 5-7 days to reduce headaches.  The Lord strengthen
                and keep you as you triumph these next 10 days!



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