Page 58 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 58

DAY 16

             While fasting is an affliction of the flesh for spiritual purposes, it is also pathway to a
             deeper relationship with God. In fasting you feel a closeness to God that you do not ex-
             perience from prayer or personal devotions alone. In hitting the RESET button with this
             year’s fast, it helps you to receive the new things God wants to bring into your lives and
             to remove what is no longer serving us. In renewing our souls, we change our trajectory
             for the year.
             As we consecrate ourselves in spiritual disciplines, such as prayer, worship, reading
             and studying the word of God, the presence of God is made real to us a fresh. The Lord
             reminds us of a divine invitation! If we seek him first, everything we need will be added
             unto us!!! Seek the Lord and you will find Him! Cry out to God and He will hear you and
             answer you! And, when he shows up, He takes care of everything that concerns you!
             What a powerful and prophetic reminder of that of the faithfulness of God!!!

             Step 1: Set a Time and Place
             Step 2: Have a Plan
             Step 3: Hold Yourself Accountable
             Remember, God will reward openly for your prayers in secret!

             I will pray without ceasing!  I will pray in the Spirit and with understanding!  I will mix my
             prayer with faith and believe that God hears my requests and will answer them.  I will
             pray the scriptures that declare what God has already decreed in my life.

             DON’T FORGET
             1.  Set a time for daily prayer.  You’ll be glad you did.
             2.  Modify your plan, if you need to do so - just don’t give up!
             3.  Invest in a prayer resource to encourage you in your prayer life.



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