Page 7 - Online Fasting Journal 2020
P. 7

Still, on another occasion, he pointed out that some difficult things could only be accom-
             plished through prayer and fasting (see Mark 9:29).  While some translations omit the
             word “fasting” in this text, scripture shows us in the both old and new testaments the
             power of fasting for both spiritual and physical breakthroughs.

             So, as your begin our journey, remember you are in good company!  Jesus modeled
             fasting for us.  It is not required but is well worth the sacrifice!

             Expect greater anointing for your ministry, healing in your body, movement in
             things that have been tied up or held back and clarity in decisions you have to
             make.  These are but a few examples of fasting outcomes in scripture. Remem-
             ber, EXPECT GREAT THINGS!!!

                       THE IMPORTANCE

                                                      of fasting

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