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Bill & Susan Trask
Once again, we complete a year with Chapter AZ-R and ponder about the great times we have had with GWRRA. For Susan it has been 26 years with the chapter while I have been here a mere 17 years. What is amazing is that it is as active and fun to be part of this group as it ever was.
Each year we have a plethora of high points and low points. Certainly, the loss of be- loved members in the past year – Carol Harris, Sheree Dudek, Gaylord Miller – along with other GWRRA friends who left this world, are sad moments. Many of our members suffered health and accident issues that tied them down for months. The births of new grandchildren and welcoming of new members are the mo- ments that warm our hearts.
One thing that we have always tried to do at Chapter AZ-R is to stay positive and supportive of all our friends. This year we made visits to every chapter fund raiser in Arizona in good numbers, including 35 members at the Arizona District Rally. Our team activity at the District Rally made a huge impression and was fun to do, even if it did not end up in awards, the spirit was there.
So many chapter members were recognized this year for their talents and training and giving back to the community of Gold Wing Road Riders. We saw the certification of Jim Oliver, Mike Long, and Dave Fowler as ARC Instructors; Jim also became a Trike Instructor. New Master Levels IV, an incredible achievement, went to Bob Apple, Charles Ivey, Mike Maser, Scott McCracken, Larry Poole, Bill Stahl, and Mike Long. Our newsletter editor, Susan Rodgers, continued to amaze us with her talents and was again Editor of the Year in Arizona. We saw National awards given to Cliff & Char Simpson for their efforts with Motorist Awareness.
For all the staff at Chapter R, how proud I am of their accomplishments. These hard-working and under recognized people, make this chapter hum along, even when I am not around (such as Chili-Fest). Thanks to Frank Knight and Bill Stahl for all the great rides, to Bill & Susan Rodgers, Dave & Cheryl Fowler, Mike & Angie Westenhaver, and Jim Oliver for the amazing events in Rider Education, Practice Field Day, our dinners, ice cream socials, fun get-togethers and serious workshops. Special thanks to Cindy & Ken Kelley, who have kept ‘R’ store looking so good despite having to deal with personal issues at home. Multiple thanks to Charles & Kimi Ivey, Roger & Bev Cameron, Bob Apple, Bob Hopper and Ken Harris, for being a part of the “R Team” and helping whenever we needed them.
We cannot forget the input from our snowbirds, especially the Wisconsin group that has become part of the AZR family. You are appreciated for all that you do. And let’s not forget all the new people who have joined ‘R’ chapter this year; from those numbers the future leadership of this chapter will be born.
Chapter AZ-R is the best because it works hard at it. You will see many of the same staff in the new year, plus some excellent new people stepping up into roles they haven't been in. This makes our chapter great – we are sharing the leadership with people who can make a positive impact.
We look forward to serving all of you in the time ahead. Let us know if you can help.
Bill & Susan Trask
"The Next Ride is Always the Best One"