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Frank Knight, ACD Chili-Fest to New Years
First of all, I hope all of you had a very Happy Thanksgiving and that you all got to spend some quality time with family and friends while giving “Thanks” for all of the blessings that have been bestowed upon us.
I want to thank all of the “Roadies” from Chapter R who helped make the Chili-Fest this year a huge success and all the people who came out to support us. We had
101 paid attendees with representation from Chapters (A, D, E, G, P and S), AZ District, California, Canada, GWRRA Home Office and AZ Drill Team. I also want to acknowledge Ride Now for all of their help and support as they have always been there to support us with the Chili-Fest. The day started off about 7:30 am with delivery of the tables and chairs and members starting to come at the same time to help set. Because of all the hard work by our members and staff we were all set up and ready to go before the opening time for registration at 9:30am. The layout was very efficient, so every- one had easy access to prizes and chili. We had 30 chilis on site and I want to thank all of our “Ladies” who registered, labeled and arranged all of the chilis, what an outstanding job you all did making it so smooth and organized. We had one little incident during set up as our own Susan Rod- gers got tangled up with District Director, Frank Nemeth’s feet and low and behold she went down face first into the cement onto her nose with her hands , arms and shoulders also taking a hit. At first we thought she may have had a broken her nose, so Bill took her to the emergency room luckily noth- ing was broken and she returned to the Chili-Fest. We opened the serving line at 11:00am with chili and hot dogs (supplied by Ride Now) with “Gourmet Italian Chef Luigi” cooking the Hebrew National Kosher hot dogs. At 12:15pm the AZ Drill Team put on another great performance. After the perform- ance door prizes, grand prizes and 50/25/25 were given out and our own Jim Rosner did very well in winning a set of tires and one half of the 50/25/25. We were finished by 1:00pm. Once again, thank you everyone and all who helped make the Chili-Fest a success.
On Friday, November 23, nineteen AZR members participated in our annual “Rather Ride Then Shop” ride to Prescott to Iron Springs Road down through Skull Valley and Kirkland Junction onto Yarnell Hill with a stop in Prescott to eat at Zeke’s. We had only one problem when we arrived in Prescott in that Zeke’s was very crowded (yes, we did call ahead) and had a party of 16 to seat before us with over an hour to wait so our large group divided into three smaller groups that went Zeke’s and two other res- taurants that were all in walking distance, in fact the other two were no more than three to four doors down from Zeke’s. The majority of group went to the Japanese restaurant which they said was very good. We could not have asked for a better day for a ride with fall colors still visible in Prescott, Iron Springs Road, Skull Valley and Peeples Valley. Iron Springs Road is a nice alternative way to get from Prescott to Yarnell with a road that is in excellent condition with some big sweeping curves and beautiful scenery.
There is still plenty of activities to participate in December though New Years Day with a breakfast ride on Friday, December 7 to the Horseshoe Café in Wickenburg, AZR Christmas Party at AZ Traditions North on Saturday December 8, PFD at Turf Paradise on Sunday December 9, ice cream at Sugar Bowl on Sunday December 9, December’s monthly gathering and Annual Bake Sale on Saturday De- cember 15 and New Years Day ride to Tortilla
Flats for lunch.
Finally, I want to wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and a Happy New Year.