Page 9 - roadways
P. 9

                                 DECEMBER Birthdays!
3 Roger Cox
5 Michael Baker
6 Kelly Ezell
7 Cindy Kelley
12 Gay Redline
13 JR Alkire
21Gayle Beaudin
21 Susan Bryan
21 Pam Cliff
28 Leona Zastrun
29 Darren Montello
29 Shirley Stephens Garcia 29 Larry Myers
30 Dave Fowler
13 JR/Anita Alkire, 33 years
13 BobHopper/Alice Neal
16 Mike/Angie Westenhaver, 39 Years
28 Cliiff/Char Simpson 31 Tryg/Barb Hillbo
GWRRA Anniversaries
Robert Hopper/Alice Neal, 20 years Cliff/Char Simpson, 16 Years Terry/Estella Wells, 5 Years ScottMcCracken/Debby Powers, 5 years Simon Berridge.4 years
   Cindy & Ken Kelley
Good news Bad news Family news
If you know of anyone needing mention contact Cindy Kelley at
Thoughts, Prayers & Well Wishes for:
Bob Apple — cataract surgery. Pray for quick healing as he is doing BOTH eyes just 1 week
Roger Cameron as he continues to
recover from his surgery and a fall.
Nancy Maser as she recovers
from knee replacement surgery.
Gay Redline as she is recovering
from shoulder surgery.
Cindy Kelley as she is recovering
from nose surgery.
Donald Lanouette in your prayers and thoughts, as he continues to recover from a recent motorcycle accident. Joe Dudek in your prayers and thoughts, as his father passed away in October.
Anita and JR Alkire in your prayers and thoughts, as Anita's mom passed away a few days ago.
November Birthdays!
Because of the Chili Fest we missed “IN-PERSON” Celebrations ... We will “getcha” at the Dec Gathering.
1 Cheryl Fowler 1 Paul Floyd
3 Jim Wilson
5 Edd Cason
6 Bill Rodgers
13 Tryg Hillbo
21 Richard Clift
25 Hannah Davis
25 Scott McCracken 27 Dottie Hildebrand
Christmas is coming, we have some really nice items for sale. We have new Chapter R oranges jackets, orange tie dye t-shirts, orange polo shirts, long sleeved t-shirts, in orange and white. We have a special t-shirt for our la- dies. We have hats to keep your head warm. We have received some new patches and rockers for our black vests, for everyone that has been waiting for vests. We will have the vests ready to wear and purchase very soon. Thank you for your patience.
                                            “R” ARIZONA ROADWAYS 9 DECEMBER 2018

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