Page 5 - Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pragati Vihar, New Delhi - E-Patrika
P. 5

From the Desk of Vice Principal……

                  The Vidyalaya Patrika is a matter of great pride for the Vidyalaya. It is a

           privilege for me that we are already with the latest issue of the Patrika. In an

           age when children seem to be aggressive and violent, the Vidyalaya Patrika

           just proves that if given proper opportunity the children can create wonders.

           The  Vidyalaya  Patrika  is  the  platform  where  the  students  put  on  their

           thinking caps and show their creativity and talent. We get an insight into the

           innocent  child-mind  which  is  full  imagination  which  very  clearly  finds

           expression in the different sections of the Vidyalaya Patrika. This is a small

           endeavor  on our  part to  show case  the talent that the  children  possess,

           thereby motivating the students to go beyond their prescribed text books

           and when their horizon.

                   I think the students and staff for their enthusiastic efforts for bringing

           out this Patrika and believe that this Patrika will make a happy reading.

                                                                                        BRIJESH PAL SINGH

                                                                                     VICE PRINCIPAL (II SHIFT)
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