Page 20 - Nhone Supplies Catalogue
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             Benefits of led lighting. Leds are extremely energy efficient and consume up to 90% less power
             Than incandescent bulbs. Since leds use only a fraction of the energy of an incandescent light
             Bulb there is a dramatic decrease in power costs.

             Easily the most significant advantage of leds when compared to traditional lighting solutions is
             The long lifespan. The average led lasts 50,000 operating hours to 100,000 operating hours or more.
             That is 2-4 times as long as most fluorescent, metal halide, and even sodium vapor lights. It is
             More than 40 times as long as the average incandescent bulb.

             Safety is perhaps the most often overlooked advantage when it comes to led lighting. The
             Number one hazard when it comes to lighting is the emission of heat. Leds emit almost no
             Forward heat while traditional bulbs like incandescents convert more than 90% of the total
             Energy used to power them directly into heat. That means only 10% of the energy powering
             Incandescent lights is actually used for light (which also makes them extremely inefficient
             Compared to leds). Additionally, because leds consume less power they can operate effectively
             On lowvoltage electrical systems. These are generally much safer in the event that something
             Goes wrong.

             Leds do not have the environmental issues common to traditional lighting solutions like
             Fluorescent or mercury vapor lights. Both of these traditional solutions contain mercury
             Internal to the bulb and thus require special handling at the end of the product’s useful lifespan.
             None of these considerations are necessary with leds.


             There are many benefits to making use of solar energy in south africa regarding our natural
             Environment, health and economy. ... Generating electricity from renewable energy instead of
             Fossil fuels offers substantial public health benefits, as less air and water pollution is emitted by
             These coal and natural gas plants.

             Solar energy is collected through the direct sunlight that you get on your property. As long as
             The sun is still shining, you’ll never have to worry about running out of energy. One of major
             Advantages of solar energy in south africa is that the supply will never be exhausted, even
             When you have a lot of clouds in the sky. The solar energy will always continue to replenish itself,
             Meaning you will never run out of energy.

             Technology for switching to solar energy is changing rapidly and it’s also improving. Yes it is
             Expensive, but the amount of energy that you can get from the photovoltaic panel technology
             Can be obtained economically. The reason why you need to go with the flow of technology is
             That you need new ways to keep your energy costs in control. As technology improves, the cost
             Of the technology will decrease.

             The advantages of solar energy in south africa also include that once you have your solar
             Energy system installed and set up, you don’t need to maintain it in any way. You don’t need to
             Spend anything besides your initial setup costs. You may need to add a solar panel later on but
             You won’t need to install a brandnew system. There are no additional costs associated with
             Having a solar energy system in your home or business.

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