P. 12
Windows Server y System
Center, private cloud of
Microsoft has two modes of
implementation of services in the cloud in
private cloud mode, with solutions for
infrastructure as a service and for a
platform as a service, for this, it has
solutions such as Windows Server and
System Center, key in its proposal.
Benefits obtained
The cloud has undoubtedly allowed the
entity to have an IT infrastructure of
high availability and performance
thanks to its clustered layout,
guaranteeing security and reliability, as
well as the perceived benefits of
improving management by having A
smaller number of physical machines
have been clear.
How does Microsoft see the future of the
cloud model?
The future of the private cloud is seen
as a hybrid cloud, Microsoft, of
course, is completely committed to
the cloud, and to have its private
cloud, but not exclusively, since they
will also bet on the public cloud for
certain services.