Page 26 - _WR25_RoseCatalog_Digital
P. 26

Pretty Lady Rose
                                                                          Hybrid Tea • cv. WEKdadoda • Pat.#28,719

                                                             This elegant English-style beauty displays both strength and elegance.
                                                             LARGE old-fashioned multi-petaled aristocratic-like deep pink flowers
                                                             are enhanced by a sweet scented peony-like and spice fragrance. This well
                                                             dressed lady wears an evening gown of healthy bright glossy medium green
                                                             foliage. With her compact habit, this selection brings elegance to smaller
                                                             spaces of the garden and also looks great in a pot. Pretty Lady Rose holds
                                                             her flowers at the perfect height to be admired and to allow you to enjoy
                                                             their aroma.
                                                             Flower Color:  Dark even pink
                                                             Height/Habit:  Medium / Upright & compact
                                                             Bloom/Size:   Old-fashioned & ruffled / Large, 4 to 5
                                                                        inches in diameter (45 to 65 petals)
                                                             Re-Bloomer:    Repeat blooms throughout season
                                                             Fragrance:    Strong peony & spices (Rated 10/10)
                                                             Cut Flower:   Yes                               Hybrid Tea
                                                                                   Low  Medium  High
                                                             Rust Tolerance:       llllllllll                 2017
                                                             Powdery Mildew Tolerance:  llllllllll
                                                             Downy Mildew Tolerance:   llllllllll
                                                                          Quest for Zest             ™

                                                                             Grandiflora • cv. WEKsecjuc • PPAF
                                                             Large flowers, some single on a stem, others in cluster of 2 or 3 per stem, all perfect
                                                             for bouquets to fill your home with delightful strong lemon-citrus/fruity fragrance!
                                                             The large zesty yellow flowers will invite you to take a closer look, and the "off-the-
                                                             charts" lemon fragrance will make you want to stay. Spiraled, double flowers add
                                                             elegance in your yard or in your home as cut flowers. Upright, moderately spreading
                                                             growth habit and very glossy, medium green leaves, combined with the large
                                                             flower size, make this Grandiflora a fresh, new addition to our collection. Quest
                                                             for Zest has excellent vigor, very strong zesty lemon fragrance, and disease tolerance
                                                             - a seldom found combination for a Grandiflora rose. She just might be the new
                                                             Grandiflora that you've been looking for!
                                                             Flower Color:  Yellow with lighter outer petals.
                                                             Height/Habit: Medium-tall sized plant with an upright moderately spreading
                                                                        habit. Medium stems with very glossy medium green foliage.
                                                             Bloom/Size:   Small clusters of spiraled, elegant & double large, around 4 to 5
                                                                        inch diameter flowers. Sometimes borne singlely. 30 to 40 petals.
                                                             Re-Bloomer:  Repeat blooms throughout season.
                                                             Fragrance:    Strong citrus & fruity (Rated 10/10).
                                                             Cut Flower:  Yes.
                                                                                   Low  Medium  High
                                                             Rust Tolerance:       llllllllll
                                                             Powdery Mildew Tolerance:  llllllllll
                                                             Downy Mildew Tolerance:   llllllllll
                                                             Black Spot Tolerance:   llllllllll

       1994                                           1997

     Secret                              Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented Stainless Steel                Hybrid Tea • Non-Patented

     Flower:                     Plant:                      Flower:                      Plant:
     Medium-large, fully double cream   Medium-sized plant with a bushy   Large, full silvery-lavender blossoms   Nice long stems sporting large, deep
     brushed with rich pink flowers. 30 to   habit covered in mahogany-red new  with a classic show form. 25 to 30   green leaves on a tall vigorous plant
     35 petals. Always attractive & super   foliage. Easy-to-grow prolific plant.   petals. Strong wonderful rose perfume   with an upright habit.
     fragrant. Best size when cool. Strong                   (Rated 10/10). Repeat bloomer & good
     sweet & spicy (Rated 10/10). Repeat                     for cut flowers. Flower size & color are
     bloomer & good for cut flowers.         P = 7           best with some cooler temperatures.     P = 8
                                                                 R = Rust • P = Powdery Mildew • D = Downy Mildew • B = Black Spot
     26  Hybrid Tea & Grandiflora Roses
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