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Rose Awards & Information Descriptions

                        The world of roses is ever-changing. Each year rose lovers are blessed with dozens of
                         new introductions of all classes & colors with an increasing selection of fragrant &
                      disease-resistant roses. The Weeks Roses breeding program is very honored to have won
                     prestigous awards all across the globe. Throughout our catalog you will see icons indicating
                 awards our rose have won. Below you will find information on the organizations behind the awards.

                      Weeks Roses                         American Garden                           International
                        New for                            Rose Selections                      Fragrant Rose Trials
                          2025                                  (AGRS)                              Nagaoka, Japan
                        Wasco, CA                          Multiple Locations
                                                                                               The International Fragrant Rose
                 Each year Weeks Roses                 Rose varieties credited with the        Trials were started to encourage
                 evaluates 175,000 seedlings           AGRS award are those that have          the appreciation of the beauty
                 from our breeding program.            produced outstanding results            of fragrant roses, and to further
     After 8 to 10 years of rigorous further evaluation,   in numerous growing environments across the   develop the fragrant rose garden
     only 4 to 6 varieties are chosen for introduction.   United States. The vigorous testing provides  at Echigo Hillside Park. All roses are planted and
     New varieties must be superior to other roses to   credible insight and is a key indicator of the   brought up for two years under exactly the same
     be chosen as a Weeks New variety. These roses   most reliable rose varieties in the country.  conditions in the snowy and cold region of Japan.
     are denoted by this icon.
                       American                         American Rose Trials                     Royal Horticulture
                     Rose Society                         for Sustainability                       Society Award
                         (ARS)                                  (ARTS)                             of Garden Merit
                      Shreveport, LA                         Portland, Maine                     Wisely, United Kingdom
                The American Rose Society               Two ARTS awards are offered            The RHS Award of Garden Merit
                offers numerous awards for              annually. Regional winners are         helps gardeners in the United
                every rose variety. Entries are         varieties that average better          Kingdom chose  not only the best
     accepted from amateur and professional   overall score than a local control rose planted in   roses for their gardens but the best plants. Awards
     growers, and criteria vary across awards.  an ARTS trial garden. ARTS Master Roses are   are given after a trial period and a round table
                                             exceptional varieties that outperform a control   discussion to to debate the characteristics and garden
                                             rose across four different climate regions.  performance that the Society is unable to trial.

                      All-America                      Biltmore International                         Portland’s
                    Rose Selections                           Rose Trials                             Best Rose
                         (AARS)                               Asheville, NC                           Portland, OR
                    Multiple Locations
                                                       Biltmore International Rose Trial       For 115 years, the Portland Rose
                For over 70 years, the AARS was the    were hosted in the rose gardens at      Society has maintained a high-
                preeminent trialing and awards pro-    Biltmore. A independent jury tested     quality and well sought-after
                gram. Rose varieties were evaluated    and scored planted varieties with       awards program. This annual
     over a two-year period on numerous characteristics,   the goal of providing baseline      award is presented to rose
     including hardiness, flower, & fragrance.  criteria to home gardeners about which roses  varieties that demonstrate superior results when
                                              produce the strongest results.        grown in the Pacific Northwest region. Every
                                                                                    distinguished variety is honored with inclusion
                                                                                    in the Gold Award Garden.

         Disease resistance displays detailed in this catalogue are not guarantees, but the summary results of field trials
         in various locations in the United States. For best results, regular nutrient feeding and care, particular to your
         location will help provide the most vigorous, beautiful and disease resistant roses. Spraying where appropriate
         for local conditions in addition to the particular variety natural resistance will help insure success.

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