Page 53 - _WR25_RoseCatalog_Digital
P. 53
Frau Dagmar Hartopp Non-Patented Hansa Rugosa • Non-Patented
Rugosa •
Flower: Plant: Flower: Plant:
A profusion of medium-sized, single, Very dwarf, rounded, compact grower. Large, full, vibrant violet-red flowers Medium-tall, bushy, round shrub.
shimmering silvery-pink, 5-petaled Wonderfully hardy shrub good for with about 30 petals. Very spicy clove Great for barrier plantings in cold
flowers. Repeat bloomer with a mild Zones 3 to 9. Demands very little work. fragrance (Rated 10/10). Repeat climates. Attractive fall color & red hips
fragrance (Rated 1/10). Attractive fall color & red hips in the blooms throughout season. To Zone 8. in the fall. Avoid chemical sprays.
fall. Drought resistant. Drought resistant. Disease free.
R = 10 /P = 10 / B = 10 R = 10 / P = 10
Rosa rugosa Rugosa • Non-Patented Rosa rugosa 'Alba' Rugosa • Non-Patented
Flower: Plant: Flower: Plant:
Big single deep blue-pink flowers with Medium/Bushy & very round clean Medium-large, single 5-petaled white Medium / Bushy & very round clean
yellow tufted stamens and 5 petals. plants are covered in deep green flowers with yellow tufted stamens. plants are covered in deep green
Blooms in the springtime & sporadi- quilted leaves. Hardy & tolerant to salt Blooms in springtime & sporadically quilted leaves. Hardy & tolerant to salt
cally throughout summer. Moderate sea conditions. Bright red hips in fall. throughout summer. Moderate rose sea conditions. Bright red hips in fall.
rose fragrance (Rated 5/10). Good for nothern coasts. Zone 2 to 8. fragrance (Rated 5/10). Good for nothern coasts. Zone 2 to 8.
R = 10 / P = 10 / B = 10 R = 10 / P = 10 / B = 10
Snow Pavement ™
Rugosa • Non-Patented
Snow Pavement is a re-blooming rose with good vigor, disease resistance,
and strong clove fragrance. Typically grows to 2 ½ ' tall with a dense, upright,
slightly spreading, rounded growth habit. A proven performer in beds or
borders or along paths and sidewalks as low hedges. Double flowers open
blush pink, gradually changing to white, and repeat bloom throughout the
summer into autumn. Showy rose hips appear in autumn. Healthy green
foliage is very tolerant of salt in coastal locations and where winter salt is
used along roads and driveways. Can be grown from Zone 3 all the way to 9!
Flower Color: Blush pink fading to white.
Height/Habit: Rounded, upright habit,
2 ½ to 3 foot tall x 3 ft wide.
Bloom/Size: Medium-sized, semi double flowers.
Re-Bloomer: Repeat blooms throughout season.
Fragrance: Strong clove (Rated 10/10). Therese Bugnet Rugosa • Non-Patented
Cut Flower: No. Flower: Plant:
Low Medium High Large, full long lilac-pink buds open Medium-sized, round & shrubby plant
Rust Tolerance: llllllllll to large overly scented blossoms. is very hardy and covered with quilted
Powdery Mildew Tolerance: llllllllll Repeat bloomer. 35 to 40 petals. blue-green grey-leaves of unsurpassed
Downy Mildew Tolerance: llllllllll Moderate spicy (Rated 5/10). disease resistance. Avoid chemical
sprays. Zone 3 to 8.
R = 10 / P = 10 / B = 10
Rugosa & Foetida Roses 53