Page 31 - Oct2019
P. 31

Looking to promote your business or event?

                            Advertise with Prairie Planes and get the word out!

         Reasonable rates and we work with you to create the best ads for your business.

                                                 Full Page:  $125.00

                                                 Half Page:  $100.00

                                               Quarter Page:  $75.00

                                               Business Card:  $25.00

                                             2 Line Ribbon Ad:  $10.00

              Buy a one Year Campaign, pay for 10 months and get

                                               2 months FREE!

                                         Have a story or picture to share?

                                      Contact me at:

                                         Thanks for your continued support.

                                  Blue Skies and Gentle Breezes till next month!

                                                       Tim Munro
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