Page 3 - Feb2020
P. 3

Next day it was clear and we continued into

                                                                    Downsview. It was very exciting to be joining the
                                                                    pattern and flying a low pas down the runway.
                                                                    Circling to land we were greeted by George Neal

                                                                    who asked, “are you here for KDN’s 60 year
                                                                    service?” We answered, “No, KDN has run
                                                                    perfectly the whole trip.” KDN had proven herself

                                                                    as a trusted friend. It was a relief to have her there
        De Havilland Canada Chipmunk DHC-1 G-                       safe and we appreciated the very warm reception.
        AKDN — 2016 United Kingdom Tour Pt. 11                            th
                                                  By Dave Gillespie   The 60  Anniversary weekend was filled with a
                                                                    who’s who of Canadian aviation.
        The airplane felt out of control. It was very pitchy and felt
        like we had a center of gravity issue I mentioned this to   We attended a symposium, focusing on the

        James who was sitting in back. After a short silence he     Chipmunk that included George Neal, Russ
        said, “Do you think it has anything to do with the four     Bannock, Stan Miller, Howard Malone and Bill

        liters of oil I put in the rear battery compartment?” What!   Long. James and I also spoke about Chipmunk
        Well ya. I told him to unbuckle and lean as far forward as   ownership, maintenance, and flying.
        possible as we flew 150 miles as level as possible and
                                                                    It was very special to see KDN sitting in the factory
        made a straight in landing in Regina.
                                                                    looking exactly like she did when she was built.
        After reloading the airplane we departed in a much better   Everyone was very excited and appreciative of the
        condition for Winnipeg. Next day we cleared customs into    effort James and I had gone to, to be there. We left
        the USA and flew across Wisconsin. We noticed the right     KDN on loan to the museum to have on display.

        fuel tank was draining first while the left tank stayed full.   James and I would return later in the summer to fly
        Worried that the left tank may not feed when the right      her back to Saskatoon, but first we would make a
        tank was empty we landed and called de Havilland            stop at the giant EAA Fly-In at Oshkosh Wisconsin.

        Support (George Neal). George listened to our concern       In the meantime KDN was in good hands tucked
        and said, “ Well David, just fly with the ball centered”.   into her nest at Downsview.

        I’ll take a ribbing from a Hall of Fame test pilot any day,

        and let him and James have their laugh. He did say,
        seriously, not to worry, that was a common issue and the
        tanks will feed. We continued into the late evening landing
        at a remote ex-US airbase in Upper Michigan.

                                                                     James, George, Dave and KDN at Downsview for
                                                                             the Chipmunk 60th anniversary

                                                                                                     to be continued...
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