Page 9 - Feb2020
P. 9
Did You Know
The wings of the airplane are just one component of flight.
There are actually four forces of flight that push the plane
up, down, forward, or slow it down. These four forces of
flight are lift, thrust, drag, and weight.
The Wright brothers invented and flew the first airplane in
1903. It is considered the world’s first “sustained and
RCAC is a national organization dedicated to controlled heavier-than-air powered flight.” Their aircraft,
promoting the viability of regional and community the Wright Flyer, flew about 120 feet. Today, the newest
airports. Boeing 787 can fly 10,000 miles on a single tank of gas.
RCAC has been formed to provide a national voice One the most deadly airplane accidents actually happened
for communicating to the Federal and Provincial on the ground. In 1977, two fully loaded planes carrying a
Governments the economic, regulatory and total of over 600 passengers collided head-on in the
operational issues affecting regional community middle of the runway in what is now known as the
airports. The organization has developed committees Tenerife Accident, named after Tenerife Island where the
composed of grass roots members to research and accident occurred. Over 500 people died. [
report on critical issues affecting the membership. Increases in carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are
RCAC participates in CARAC meetings and will have a increasing the incidents of airplane turbulence.
continuing dialogue with the Minister of The oxygen in an airplane’s emergency oxygen masks lasts
Transportation and Transport Canada staff on a wide for only about 15 minutes.
range of airport issues and legislation including
Safety/Emergency requirements, Nav Canada level of English is the international language of flight. All flight
service proposals, and other subjects of interest to controllers and all commercial pilots who fly on
regional community airports. RCAC is intent on international flights are required to speak English.
bringing issues to the attention of decision-makers
on a personal meeting basis and not solely on
written correspondence to get the issues resolved.