Page 12 - Nov_2018
P. 12

Ian Ormston had an adventurous spirit, joining                           Gord Wilson
           the Royal Canadian Air Force at the age of 19.

                                                                  from the British Desert Air Force, pose on a Spitfire
                                                                        during the Battle of El Alamein, 1942.

                                                                 "Air warfare is not like

            He went on to become one of the youngest
           commanding officers in the air force (No. 411                     combat, it’s
           Squadron). Ian flew over the English Channel
                                                                    impersonal and you
          more than 200 times during the Second World
         War and crashed into the cold waters once. The
                                                                 know, they’re going to
         Spitfire aircraft he had named Marguerite, after
            his fiancé, had sprung a coolant leak, which
         meant imminent engine failure. With only a split              try and shoot you

            second to react, the then 22-year-old pilot
        calculated the optimum speed to allow the heavy  down, you’re going to

         aircraft a soft glide toward the relative safety of
          the Channel, where he at least had a chance of             try and shoot them

            eventual rescue. His heroics during the war
         resulted in him being awarded the Distinguished                           down."
         Flying Cross from King George VI at Buckingham
          Palace. Ian often commented that the king was

         not an easy man to make conversation with. Ian
          returned to Canada in 1943 in a body cast and
                   later married Marguerite Lang.
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