Page 14 - January 2019
P. 14
Thank you Members
AEROWAREdesigns is the designer, manufacturer
and distributor of Canadian Air Force related The Wings of Saskatchewan Conference and Trade Show
memorabilia and collectibles. was another successful and well-attended event! We
could not have done it without the support of the
Our products are available for sale on this website
members, Trade Show Exhibitors, and Sponsors. On
as well at many aviation museums across Canada. behalf of the Saskatchewan Aerial Applicators
If your local museum does not carry some or all of
Association Board of Directors, we would like to extend
our products ask them to contact us and we will
our sincere thank you to all those that made it the
gladly supply the items to them. Support your success!
local aviation museum. A list of retailers who
carry some or all of our products is available above. The Conference is always an excellent opportunity for
networking, education, fund raising and camaraderie.
We offer our products on a wholesale basis to Without your support this would not be possible. We
Specialty Stores, Museums, Gift shops, Cadet
look forward to many more joint conferences with the
Canteens and for fund-raisers’s.
Saskatchewan Aviation Council.
Our products are manufactured to the highest Thank you to the outgoing directors Brennan Jardine,
standards. Lapel pins are plated in 22k Gold and
Travis Karle, Scott Kosmenko, Glenn Funnell, and George
Nickel and are guaranteed to never rust or fade
Giesbrecht for volunteering their time to serve on the
and our embroidered crests are manufactured SAAA board. Welcome to our new director Ryan Gidych,
using the latest in digital embroidery technology
we look forward to working with you.
and are guaranteed not to shrink or fade.
A Conference Survey was recently emailed to the
membership. This survey will provide feedback that will
be used in planning our next conference.
The 2019 Wings Conference will be held at the Delta in
Regina on Nov 6, 7, 8. There is also a link to the survey
on our website. We also had a Board Meeting and
Conference Committee Meeting on December 13.
Membership Renewal was available December 1 on the
CAAA Website. We would appreciate prompt renewals
so the directory can be completed and posted to the
website. Once again, thank you for your continued
Yours truly,
Saskatchewan Aerial Applicators Association