Page 185 - In A New World
P. 185


               THE TABLES ARE TURNED.

               It was certainly an oversight in Fletcher not to have ascertained the
                situation of the government encampment. He was under the impression that

               it was in a direction opposite to that in which they were moving, and this
               determined his course. He was therefore wholly unconscious of danger, and

               tranquil in mind, though his situation was critical.

               Obed was puzzled to know in what manner to get the necessary intelligence

               to his comrades. Chance gave him a suggestion. The man next him wore
               round his neck a whistle--designed doubtless to use in case of emergencies.

               It was of rather peculiar shape.

                "That's an odd whistle you've got there, my friend," he said, "where did you

               get it?"

                "In Melbourne," answered the fellow unsuspiciously.

                "I think I've seen one like it in the States. Let me look at it a minute."

               The bushranger allowed Obed to take it in his hand.

                Suddenly Mr. Stackpole put it to his mouth, and gave a sharp, loud whistle
               that awakened the echoes in the forest.

               Like a flash Fletcher turned from his place at the head of the train and eyed

               the bushranger with a frown. Obed had dropped the whistle, and was
               walking on with an innocent look.

                "What is this foolery, Hogan?" demanded Fletcher sharply. "Don't you
               know better than to whistle?"

                "I didn't, lieutenant," answered Hogan. "It was this man here."
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