Page 194 - In A New World
P. 194
"He is in the inner office. Have you business with him?"
Admitted into the inner office, the boys saw the old gentleman seated at a
large desk with a pile of papers and letters before him. They were by no
means certain that he would recognize them, but he did so instantly.
"I am glad to see you, my young friends," he said, rising and shaking hands
with them. "I have thought of you often, and of the great service you did
me. Have you just returned from the mines?"
"Yes, sir."
"I hope you have had good luck."
"Wonderful luck. Jack and I are worth over five thousand dollars apiece."
"Bless my soul! Why it only seems a week since you went away."
"It is nearly three months, and seems longer to us, for we have passed
through a great deal."
"I shall be glad to hear a full account, but I have not time in business hours.
Will you do me the favor to dine with me at my house to-night and spend
the evening?"
"With pleasure, sir."
"Then I shall expect you. The hour is six o'clock sharp."
The boys met the engagement, and passed the time most agreeably. Jack
felt a little bashful, for Mr. Woolson lived in fine style, and Jack was not
used to an elegant house or table.
When the cloth was removed, Mr. Woolson asked the boys their plans.