Page 37 - In A New World
P. 37
"Well, I do happen to have a few matches in my other pocket, but I’d rather
you’d ask for ’em next time."
"I will. The fact is, I ought to have brought some with me. It’s very strange,
old traveller as I am."
"It would have been a little better than borrowin’ them of a sleepin’ man
without leave. Don’t do it again, Fletcher."
"I’m not very likely to borrow them of you again, except when you’re
awake," said Fetcher with a short laugh. "Do you always wake up so easy?"
he asked, in some curiosity.
"Always. I sleep mighty sound, but the least touch wakes me up."
"I shall remember that," thought Fletcher. "This Yankee is rather a
dangerous man to tackle. I won’t attempt it again unless I have the decided
"I hope you’ll excuse me, Mr. Stackpole," he said aloud in a smooth tone. "I
used to travel with a friend-- a great chum of mine--and we never stood on
ceremony with each other. I ought to have remembered that you and I are
comparatively new acquaintances."
"Perhaps it will be best," said Obed dryly. "You see when I wake up I don’t
always have my wits about me, and I might cut up rough before I had time
to think."
"Oh, no apologies, I beg," said Fletcher, waving his hand.
"Who’s apologizin’?" demanded Obed, in surprise.
"Never mind, it’s all right! I thought you were apologizing for seizing me
by the throat. As you say, you waked up suddenly, and didn’t have your
wits about you."