Page 44 - An American Robinson Crusoe
P. 44
They promised to be back in eight or nine days. Robinson and Friday made every preparation to receive the
guests. They were to have a home not far from Robinson's built of poles, and thatched with the long marsh
grasses, like Robinson's bower. There was no need of hiding or defending it. It did not take long to fix it up.
Eight days had now passed since the boat had left. Friday could hardly restrain himself longer. He watched the
ocean all the time. He would go to the top of the hill with the field glasses every hour during the day to catch a
first glimpse of them.
On the ninth day, as Friday put up his glasses to search the waters he dropped them with a yell of surprise. He
tore down the hill with the utmost speed and rushed up to Robinson as one gone mad. "Look, look, O
Master!" he cried, "a big ship; a big ship way out on the sea!" Robinson took the glasses, and sure enough,
there within hailing distance was a large ocean going vessel. Robinson was overcome with excitement.
For twenty-eight years his aching eyes had scanned the waters for this welcome sight. His joy was boundless.
The ship looked like an American. Yes, there floated the American flag! How welcome a sight to Robinson.
He could not utter a word. Tears filled his eyes and streamed down his cheeks. He would soon have news
from home. He ran to the shore and shot off a gun to attract the attention of those on board. He heard
answering shots at once.
Soon a boat was lowered and in it three men rowed toward the shore. It was the captain himself and two
sailors. The captain was astonished to find a man in the lonely island. Robinson told how it all had happened
and how he would like to return home. To his unspeakable delight the captain told him that the ship was
bound for New York and would take him along free of charge, but he must leave that day. The ship could not
be delayed any longer. Of course Robinson would go. Friday was beside himself with grief. He did not want
to be left behind alone. He did not know that the Spaniards would ever return. Something might happen to
them on the sea. But before the eventful day the Spaniards landed. They brought word that Friday's father had
died after his return home. Friday was thrown into a fit of grief at the news. He wept and repeated over and
over his praise of the good man.
It was with a sad heart that Robinson made ready to leave. Every familiar place seemed now doubly dear to
him. He went from one to another with tears in his eyes. Here lay his home. Here were his fields, his crops
and his goats. Everything was the work of his own hands. He had made them all. Which should he take? He
hesitated long. He must take home some of his belongings to show the people at home. And there were his
parrot and the dog which had won a place in Robinson's heart. He decided to take them along. At length he
got together his diary, his parasol, his Bible, his treasures, a suit of clothes, his dog, and a hat. He had saved,
too, his bow and arrows. These he decided to take along. Everything else he gave to his good man Friday and
the Spaniard who wished to be allowed to remain on the island.
Robinson kissed Friday tenderly. He with great effort finally tore himself away and ran to the shore where the
ship's boat awaited him. But Robinson had not counted on the strength of Friday's love for him. Robinson's
boat had not yet reached the ship when Friday sprang into the water and swam after him shouting, "Master,
take me with you, I would rather die than stay here without you." Robinson was touched at the devotion
showed by the faithful Friday, and gave orders to turn the boat back, and take him on board. The anchor was
raised. The ship started on her way to the home Robinson had left so long ago.