Page 48 - Fairbrass
P. 48
enough. There was a soft carpet on the
floor, a pretty paper and some maps and
pictures on the walls, and it was very hand
somely furnished. The first thing that your
father did was to take me out of his button
hole and put me 111 a glass of water which
stood on the chimney-piece, and glad enough
T was of a drink after my journey, I can
tell you. Then he lighted another cigar
and opened some letters and read some more
newspapers ; and after that he rang the bell
and when a smart-looking young clerk came
in he told him that he should be out for
about half an hour, and that the young man
was on no account to leave the office during
his absence. After that he went out.’
‘What, without taking you with him ? ’
gasped Fairbrass.
‘Yes; and at first I thought that my
mission was a failure, and that even if I
ever got back to you, 1 should have nothing
to tell you ; but after a bit T began to see
that my being left there was the luckiest
thing in the world, for 1 believe that owing