Page 14 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 14


                             T    H E   hoJiday  was  scarcely  over  when  one  evening  Major
                                     Stafford  galloped  up  to  the  gate,  his black  horse  A ja x
                                    splashed with  mud  to  his  ear-tips.
                                The  M ajor soon  heard  all about  the little ones' disappoint­
                            ment  at  not  receiving- any  new  presents.

                                “ Santa  Tlaus  didn’  turn  this  Trismas,  but  he's  tummin’
                            next  Prismas, "  said  Evelyn,  looking  wisely  up  at  him,  that
                            evening,  from  the  rug  where  she  was  vainiy  trying  to  make
                            her  doll’s  head  stick  on  her broken  shoulders,
                                " And  why  did  he  not  come  this  Christmas,  Miss  W is­

                            d om ?"  laughed  her  father,  touching  her with  the  toe  of  his
                                “ Tause  the  Yankees  wouldn'  let  him,"  said  she  gravely,
                            holding  her  doll  up  and  looking  at  it  pensively,  her  head  on
                            one  side,

                                “ And  why,  then,  should  he  come  next  y e a r?"
                                "T a u s e   God's  goin’  to  make  him,”      She  turned  the
                            mutilated biby around  and  examined  it gravd y, with her  shin­
                            ing  head  set  on  the  other  side.
                                “ There's  faith  for  you/’  .said  Mrs.  Stafford,  as  her  hus­

                            band  asked,  11 H ow  do  you  know  th is?”
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