Page 162 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 162

startled  by  some 011c springing* out  of  the  bushes  before  him
                            and  calling  ,J  H a lt!”  as  he  Hung  up  his  gun,   Jake  clutched
                            him,  and  Jack  halted*     Several  men  surrounded  them,  and
                            ordered  them  to  gel  down.     The;" slipped  off  the  horse,  *md
                            one  of  the  men  took  Et,   They  all  had  guns.
                                “ Why,  this  is  the  Colonel’s  thoroughbred  Lhat was  stolen

                            two  weeks  ago/1 declared  one  of  the  men,     "  Where  did  you
                            steal  this  horse  ? "  asked  another  of  them,  roughly,
                                '■ W f  did  not  steal  him,”  asserted  Jack,  hotly.     " W e
                            found  him  arid  eaugfht  him  in  the  woods;”
                                ■  You  hear  that?"  The  man  turned  to  his  comrades.
                            "Come,  little  Johnnie,  don't  tell  lies.   We've  got  you,  and
                            you  were  riding a stolen  horse, and  there  were  Several  Others
                            stolen  at  the  same  time.     You’d  better  tell  the  truth,  and
                            make  a clean  breast  of  it,  if  you  know what's  good  for  you."
                                jack  indignantly  denied  that  he  had  stolen  the  horse,  and

                            told  how  they  had  caught  him  and  were  bringing  him  Lack.
                             He  had  a  letter  from  his  mother  to  Colonel  Wilson,  he
                            asserted,  to  prove  it,
                                "W here  is  the  letter? Ir  they  asked

                                Jack  turned  to  Jake,   “ Jake's  got  it  in  his  pocket,"
                                "Y es,  I  got  de  pass/1  declnred Jake,  feeling  in  his  pocket.
                             He  felt  first  in  one  and  then  another.   His  countenance  fell.
                            "  Hi  !  I  done  !os’  it/’  he  asserted.
                                The  soldiers  laughed.      That  was  a  little  too  thin,  they
                            declared.    Come,  they  must  go  with  them.      They  proposed

                            to  put  a  stop  to  this  horse-stealing.   It  had  been  going  on
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