Page 20 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 20

so  on.   Within  the  outer covering  were  several  others ;  but
                             at length  the  Ust  was  reached.    A s  the  Colonel  ripped  care­
                             fully,  the  group  gathered  around  and  bent  breathlessly  over

                             him,  tlie  light  from  the  blazing  camp-fire  shining  rudclily  on
                             their eager,  weather-tanned  faces.     When  the  Colonel  put  in
                             his  hand  and  drew  out a  toy  sword,  there was  a general  e x ­
                             clamation,  followed  by a  dead  silence ;  but  when  he  took  the
                             doll  from  her  soft  wrapping,  and  then  unrolled  and  held  up
                             a  pair  of  little  trousers  hctt  much  longer than  a  man's  hand,

                             and  just  the  size  for a  five-year-old  boy,  the  men  turned  away
                             their  faces  from  the  fire,  and  more  than  one  u’ho  had  boys  of
                             his  own  at  home,  put  his  hand  up  to  his  eyes.
                                 One  of  them,  a  bronzed  and  weather-beaten  officer,  who
                             had  charged  the  Colonel  with  being  a  miser,  stretched  him­

                             self out  on  the  ground,  flat  on  his  face,  and  sobbed  aloud  as
                             Colonel  Stafford  gently  told  bis  story  of  Charlie  and  Evelyn.
                             Even  the  grim  face  of  Colonel  Den by  looked  somewhat
                             changed  in  the  light  of  the  firet  and  he  reached  over  for  the
                             doll  and  gazed  at  it  steadily  for  some time;
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