Page 67 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 67

" Yes,  for as  big  a fellow  as  you.   You wouldn’t  stand  the
                        ghost of a  show/ 1
                            “  I  guess  I ’d  feel  small  enough  up  there,”   And  both

                        men  laughed.
                            By  this  time  the  men  011  both  sides  began  to  come  up,
                        with  their guns  over  their arms.
                            “  Hello !  what's u p ? ”  some  of them  called  out.
                            " Her  kitten's  up,"  said  the  first  two ;  and,  to  make  good
                        their  words,  Kittykin,  not  liking  so  many  people  below  her,
                        shifted  her  position  again,  and  went  up  to  a  fresh  limb,  from

                        which  she  again  peeped  over  at  them.    The  men all gathered
                        around  Evelyn,  and  began  to  talk  to  her,  and  both  she  and
                        Kittykin  were  surprised  to  hear  them  joking  and  laughing
                        together  in  the  friendliest  way.

                            " W hat arc  you  doing  out  here ? ” they asked ;  and  to  all
                       she  made  the  same  reply :
                           **  I  want  my  Kittykin.fJ
                           Suddenly  her  mamma  came  out.           She  had  just  gone
                       down-stairs,  and  had  learned  where  Evelyn  was*         The  two
                       officers  went  up  and  spoke  to  her,  blit  the  men  still  crowded

                       around  Evelyn.
                           “ She'll  come  down,"  said  one.     “ All  you  have  to  do  is
                       to  let  her alone,’’
                           “ No, she  won't.     She  can  t  come  down.     It  makes  her

                       head  swim,”  said  Evelyn.
                           '* Thai's  true,” thought  Kittykin  up  in  the  tree,  and  to  let
                       them  understand  it  she  gave  a  little   Mew.”
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