Page 92 - Among the camps, or, Young people's stories of the war
P. 92

A    F T E R   this  it  was  pretty  well  understood  that  t?ie  Baby
                                     Veterans  and  Middleburgh  were  at  wan
                                                                                      The  regu­
                                     lations  were  more  strictly  enforced  than  ever  before,
                            and  for  a  while  it  looked  as  if  it  was  going  to  be  as  bad  as  it
                            was  when  tlie  other  regiment  was  there.      Old  Limpid,  the
                            old  doctor's  man,  was  caught  one  night  with  some  letters  on

                            his  person,  several  of  them  addressed  to  “ Captain  Harry
                             Hunter,  Arm y  of  Northern  Virginia,1’  etc,,  and  was  some­
                            what severely  dealt with,  though,  perhaps  fortunately  for  him
                            and  his  master,  the  letters,  one  of  which  was  in  a  feminine
                            hand,  whilst  abusive  of  the  soldiers,  did  not  contain  any  in­
                            formation  which  justified  very  severt-  measures,  and  after  a

                            warning  he  was  set  free  again*
                                i^ancy  Pansy's  sister  Ellen  was  enraged  next'day  to  re-
                            ceive  again  her  letter  from  a  corporal’s  gu;ird,  indorsed  with
                            an  official  stamp,  1J  Returned  by  order,”  etc.   She  actually

                            cried  about  it.
                                 Nancy  Pansy  had  written  a  letter  to  Harry,  too— not  her
                            own  Harry,  but  the  old  doctor’s— and  hers  came  back  also  ;
                            but  she  did  not  cry  about  it,  for  she  had  forgotten  to  tell
                             Harry  that  she  had  a  kitten.
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