Page 103 - A Hero of Liége
P. 103


                --A FIGHT WITH A ZEPPELIN

               Nearing Liege on their return journey, the airmen became aware of a
               momentous change from the peaceful scene of the morning. A pall of

                smoke hung over the country for miles. Wherever there were rifts in it, they
               caught glimpses of immense grey masses that appeared to be crawling

               towards the city from every side except the west. It was evident that the
               Germans were attacking in stupendous force.

               Kenneth steered to the west, doubtful whether he should find the
               headquarters of the Flying Corps in the spot where he had left it. The

               monoplane escaped the Germans' attentions, and when it came within range
               of the Belgians' rifles, Pariset hung out the Russian flag, which was his

               Locating the aeroplane park with some difficulty, considerably to the

               westward of its former position, Kenneth at length brought the machine to
               the ground. The air quivered with the shock of artillery fire; the noise was

                "What is the news?" asked Pariset of a comrade who had come up to greet


                "They are shelling us with heavy guns, and devoting particular attention to

               Fort Loncin, where General Leman is," was the reply. "And it is said that
               they have got into the town. The people are making off in crowds.... You

               have had a knock!"

                "A slight bruise. We managed it!"

                "What?" asked his friend, who was unaware of his errand.

                "Blew up the bridge above Sy, and held back a troop train, for the rest of
               the day, I hope. I must go and report to the chief; tell you all about it later."
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